Predatory fathers and mothers, by Laura Gutman

I have received the newsletter that is published from the page of the Argentine psychologist Laura Gutman, of which we have spoken in Bebesymas already. The title of the article is undoubtedly the most shocking I've read lately. "We, the predators of human breeding".

It tells us what we humans have in common with other mammals: the instinct of protection of our breeding. However, like them, "we are especially sensitive if something comes between us and our pups after delivery"The author cites as an example someone who touches the young or impregnates it with another smell. That in animals is almost deadly. The mother no longer recognizes the young.

In humans, the mechanism is more complex, fortunately for our children, who have been separated from mothers and immediately washed in the application of unnatural hospital protocols. We recognize and love them despite this, but we don't know how far it is. harmful breaking that magical moment of link creation.

I remember it as one of the most horrible moments of my life, when my newborn baby was taken from my side and I felt like it was an icy and barren field. And when I saw it, in the incubator, it hurt to not feel it as mine. It was him, but at the same time I was oblivious. I regained the bond but it cost me a huge sorrow and a feeling of emptiness that I still remember with tears.

Laura Gutman also explains that "each species of mammals has a different time of evolution towards autonomy"In general the offspring are not autonomous until they are able to take care of themselves and feed.

But the humans of the civilized western world deprive ourselves of that moment of creation of the bond, so important to develop the instincts of protection and emotional attachment to the baby. We do not smell them, we separate from them, we move them away in the cradle, and all of that affects maternal depressions, difficulty in connecting with breeding and problems in breastfeeding. And then we will demand a separation theoretically "socializing" and that they learn to keep their instincts that they do make them cry claiming our Contact physical.

We will get to punish them, to speak to them harshly, to force them to conquer independence premature We hurt them, blind to the ancestral call of the mammalian mother. This whole process, born from detachment in the primal stage and at the same birth, it makes us, in the author's words, "predators of human breeding".

Video: El poder de las madres - Enric Corbera (July 2024).