A change of diet to improve autism

Autism is one of those diseases that are often forgotten when it comes to enumerating pediatric diseases but it has a huge prevalence among children. According to the World Health Organization, there are in the world 21 autistic per 10,000 children. In the United States, a new case is diagnosed every 20 minutes.

If we combined the cases of diabetes, cancer and childhood AIDS, we would not exceed the number of autistic children.

There are few therapies that are really effective. They try to alleviate the symptoms, since at the moment a possible cure has not been found. A new study advocates a different line of research. Apparently, some of the symptoms of this disease could be modified by following a fairly strict special diet.

Conducting a trial with autistic children, it has been proven that there is a special relationship between the digestive system and the central nervous system of these children. By altering the diet of hundreds of patients it has been proven that certain behaviors were also modified and improved skills such as talking, playing or sleeping.


The reason for this change is that certain foods can be toxic to the brain of these children.

The diet that obtained the best results (with a notable improvement in the behavior of 80 percent of children) is a gluten-free diet (remember that it is found in wheat, oats, barley and rye), casein (in milk and its derivatives), and low in oxalates (in chocolate that is mixed with milk, orange or strawberry), and without sausages or canned vegetables.

If this strict diet is followed, it is necessary to provide vitamin supplements of calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6 and C. The study also warns that it may be necessary to provide chelators of certain metals, since they could accumulate in the body.

Although the doctors who have carried out this study already advise to follow this diet, this study should "be taken with tweezers". It opens a new line of research, but undergoing this diet without medical supervision is not advisable. We hope to have good news soon confirming these amazing results.

Via | El Universal In Babies and more | World Autism Awareness Day for Babies and more | A new study on autism and vaccination

Video: Is There a Diet that Helps Treat Autism? Autism (July 2024).