A hostess with one arm scares British children

This week does not cease to amaze and sadden me with news that speaks of intolerance and the inexcusable lack of humanity of this society we live. Today I have to tell you that a One-arm presenter scares children.

It has happened in Britain and The young woman, who was born with one arm, is a presenter of children's programs on the BBC. The chain has seen its page flooded with messages from parents enraged by the image of the girl, who seems to be terrifying their children and has caused parents to explain something that they should not be prepared to convey to children: that people They may be different and that a physical problem or disability is not something embarrassing to hide.

Obviously, the young woman has also received numerous samples of support from associations of the disabled and from conscious people. However, the pressure is very great and the BBC has wanted to make it public.

As I said we have been a sad week in this regard. It makes one wonder if there is not a minimum of sensitivity towards people who, although they have some apparent difference, are people equal to us.

This One-arm presenter scares children And to his parents. To it is added the drama of a child separated from his parents, the little son of Sharon and Joseph, who, because they are immigrants without papers, cannot have their child by their side, and the expulsion of the Civil Registry of Talavera from a mother who breastfeeding These signs of human inhumanity are unfortunate.

Video: ONE ARM Kid TV Show Host Creates Controversy. Cerrie Burnell & CBeebies. BBC (July 2024).