The first Spanish pregnant

After learning last year that for the first time an American transsexual had become pregnant, that months later she has given birth and has become pregnant again, we now know, as expected, to the first pregnant woman in Spain.

This is Rubén, a person who was born a woman but feels like a man, who has taken hormones to look like a man but retains his female reproductive organs.

She lives with a woman with whom she has desires to have children, she is already the mother of two children but she cannot re-create. Therefore, after several difficulties due to his particular condition, he underwent an assisted reproduction technique and has become pregnant with twins.

Although the belly is still not noticeable because it claims to be pregnant for two months, the story seems to be true because from the physiological point of view it is perfectly possible. It is still impressive, but it is viable and of course completely understandable that two people who have the desire to start a family and have the possibility, want to have children.

If everything progresses as expected and they both decide to share their privacy, in a few months we can see the photos of the first Spanish with a pregnant gut, which, as happened with those of Thomas Beatie, the first pregnant transsexual, will surely attract attention because it is not nothing usual to see a body of man in a state of gestation

Video: Pregnant in Spain: My First Doctors Visit FAIL (July 2024).