"I also have rights": video contest

The General Council of Spanish Law represents and coordinates the 83 Bar Associations of Spain. Its functions include the responsibility of ordering the professional practice of lawyers and ensuring the prestige of the profession. They consider themselves engaged in the defense of Human Rights, especially of the most disadvantaged citizens and children. That is why he has organized this Video contest: "I also have rights."

The theme should be children's rights and aims to disseminate them so that adults respect and defend them, not allowing any discrimination; and since the authors of the videos are also children or adolescents, it is intended that the children themselves know their rights and feel capable of enforcing them.

The deadline for sending the videos ended on September 30 and can already be seen on the web. I have already seen them and there are really some of great quality and very emotional, others full of tenderness that only children know how to transmit to us.

As parents, our sensitivity and commitment to the rights of all children must be strong, because we cannot avoid thinking of any child who suffers as if it were ours.

"I have rights too", it is something that we should teach our children from an early age with example and with words. I recommend them.

Official site | I also have rights

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).