Names for babies: characters from the Bible

We have reviewed the names of Greek mythology for boys and girls. However, there are many sources where we can also drink babies to explore names for babies. One of the most common is to use biblical names since the Christian tradition has adopted them as common. Let's see some of them. We will start with the names for boys.

Adam It is logically the first. The first man on Earth, created directly by God and in his image, from a piece of mud to which he will breathe life with his breath. Adam, taken to Eden, will live an existence away from death and suffering until, because of Eve, his companion, will taste the forbidden fruit and be expelled from Paradise.

In Adam and his wife fell the divine mandate to grow and multiply to fill the Earth and govern it, having a preponderance over all living beings, something that we have fulfilled their descendants perhaps by far and excessively.

But after the Fall comes a curse upon them, that of earning our bread with the sweat of our brows and giving birth to women in pain.

An explanation of this story, from the symbolic point of view, shows us the first men who abandon the life of gatherers, to choose the path of food production, the change of relations between the sexes.

The way of life of the Neolithic or, plainly, that of Homo Sapiens, linked to the need to maintain a high production to maintain a wide progeny, or, conversely, that of man who, thanks to the new productive techniques can reproduce more at change to devote much more time to work.

Abel it is his second son, the one who would be killed by Cain, in the first crime in the History of Man. Abel and Cain, the first farmer and the second farmer, offer to God the first fruits of their work, being those of the first accepted and the second despised.

Abel is the just man par excellence, a symbol of nonviolence. Historically, the story is related to the first clashes between farming towns and livestock villages, with the Hebrews belonging to the latter.

Of the sons of Adam, Sem is mentioned thirdly, an eponym for the Semitic peoples, to which the Hebrews belong. His descendant Abraham, is the father of the Jewish people, who really begins his independent history.

Abraham It is the third of the names I will address in this first subject. He was born in Mesopotamia according to Genesis, in the historic city of Ur. He left his homeland by divine mandate with his wife and nephew, and already lived in the territory of what will be Israel, in Canaan.

The Bible speaks of the way of life that he, his concubine, his wife and their children led, telling with amazing fidelity the way in which those small semi-nomadic and cattle tribes of the beginning of history survived.

Abraham remains as a symbol of submission to God, faith delivered, when he accepts to sacrifice his son Isaac, whom he loved above all things, who was born when he thought he would never have a legitimate son.

Isaac is saved by divine intercession at the last moment, being replaced by a lamb. The practice of ritual sacrifices is widely documented in history, usually of firstfruits of the product of the work of man or sanctified animals, but also, in the early stages, human sacrifices occurred. However, nothing indicates historically that this story refers to the abandonment of these barbaric customs, but it cannot be ruled out.

Rather, taking into account God's covenant with Abraham and his offspring, it is included in the myths that explain the customs with which the Jewish people will symbolize their obedience to God: circumcision and ritual cattle sacrifices.

How can you read tradition offers us biblical names for our babies full of religious and historical symbolism. I will continue to review the baby names of the Bible, both boy and girl, which are also many and precious.

Video: 40 Christian Biblical Boys names with Meaning and Scriptures part 1 (July 2024).