Dairy products in infant feeding: artificial milk (II)

A few days ago we started talking about infant formulas, commenting on the types of milk there are and how they are classified according to age, in addition to explaining some of their components.

Today we will continue with this topic talking about the modified formulas, to know what we can find in the market and what characteristics they have.

Modified adapted formulas

Formula milk, due to its characteristics, tends to generate more digestive problems than breast milk. They are more indigestible, last longer in the stomach and many children suffer constipation when taking it or require formulas to avoid too severe regurgitation.

The modified formulas they can be a good solution for these children and that is why it is positive that they exist in the market but some of them, due to their characteristics, should be considered "special" milks, used as a timely treatment and not as a norm.

Manufacturers instead should not think so, because they use cans and containers almost the same, with the only difference of an acronym such as "AR" or "AE", which suggest that they are another option for parents ("do we buy the normal or the AR so you don't vomit? ").

We saw a while ago, on this subject, that ESPGHAN believes that these milks should be considered a medical treatment and not a commercial option.

Anti-constipation and anti-colic formulas

The anti-constipation formulas they are milks in which triglycerides are modified, which in normal formulas are usually in alpha position, so that there is a greater number in beta position (in breast milk 70% of fatty acids are in beta position), which are hydrolyze better than the others.

In the anti-colic proteins are partially hydrolyzed, dextrinomaltose is added (probably to reduce lactose) and starch is suppressed.

Anti-reflux / anti-regurgitation formulas

Regurgitations are very common in the first months of life and, as the gastroesophageal sphincter matures and closes, they disappear, noting that decrease between 6-12 months and, especially, towards 18.

Formerly, when this happened, in addition to recommending a slight inclination of the baby's crib or mattress, so that gravity helps prevent regurgitation, the milk is thickened with cereals.

Now, and for a while, there are "AR" anti-regurgitation or anti-reflux formulas, which have a thickener incorporated. The truth is that depending on the thickener that is incorporated can produce some side effects such as mild diarrhea or abdominal pain.

Due to its characteristics, the absorption of calcium, zinc and iron in the baby can be compromised and it has been observed that when some babies drink these milks an increase in cough occurs. For these reasons, I insist, It is a pediatrician who must indicate his consumption.

Lactose free formulas

Lactose is the main carbohydrate in milk. It requires the enzyme lactase to be assimilated by babies (and adults). Lactose is useful for babies because it is important for the correct absorption of calcium and the obtaining of bone mass and because it induces the formation of acidophilic flora in the colonThat is why the withdrawal of lactose from the diet must be carefully evaluated.

Lactose-free formulas differ from the rest in that lactose has been replaced by another carbohydrate, which is usually dextrinomaltose.

The truth is that they are little used milk, since they used to be indicated when acute acute diarrhea appeared in which the intestinal flora was very "touched" and therefore, lactose absorption was temporarily hindered. As important diarrhea is seen less and less and these are usually treated with oral serum (children who drink breast milk, should continue to drink breast milk), these milks are used less and less for this reason.

The other possible indication would be in case of lactose intolerance, however this usually appears when children are older and drink cow's milk. In these cases you can use other lactose-free milks, add lactase to drinking milks, so that it can be tolerated or consume yogurts or cheeses if tolerated.

Hydrolyzed formulas

They appeared on the market to treat problems of poor digestion or malabsorption. With the passage of time the indications have extended, above all, to those babies suffering from cow's milk protein allergy (APLV).

The indication should be medical, since nutritional repercussions such as vitamin deficiency, low calcium absorption and imbalance in amino acid composition have been described and for these reasons a follow-up should be carried out by medical professionals.

Video: Cows Milk Protein Allergy in Infants - Dr. Aliza Solomon (June 2024).