How to make a sculpture of your pregnant gut

Immortalizing your pregnancy in a sculpture can be a very nice memory of the moment you are living. There are special kits such as Belly Art that includes everything you need to do it, but you can also make a sculpture of your pregnant gut in a very simple way and for less money. We teach you step by step how to do it.

The ideal would be to have someone to help you, but you can also do it yourself with a good dose of patience. It is advisable to do it when pregnancy is well advanced so that the shape of the belly is more noticeable, but if you prefer you can make a series of sculptures as the gut grows. You can also choose to do it only from the gut, from the entire torso or as you see above, from the gut, the breasts and one shoulder. That as you like.

Basically, there are two techniques that can be used to make a sculpture of your pregnant gut: in plaster or in papier-mâché.

To make the plaster cast

You will need baby oil, plaster and gauze bandages. With the skin very clean and dry, pass abundant baby oil through all the places where you will then place the cast. This prevents it from sticking and the mold can be easily removed.

Once this is done, you have to place a layer of prepared plaster, then bandages and again plaster. Thus two or three layers until the desired thickness is achieved. Remember to leave the sides free to remove it.

You just have to be patient and wait until the mold is very dry to remove it. Then you have to finish the sides, cutting with scissors and using a very fine sandpaper to fix the edges. And you are ready to decorate.

To make the mold in papier-mâché

The papier-mâché is an ancient oriental technique widely used for manual labor. It is easy to do and has durability.

First, you have to prepare the paper mache: dissolve glue in warm water and add pieces of hand-cut newspaper.

Before you start, you have to wrap your torso with plastic wrap so that the paste does not stick and is easy to unmold. Then you have to place layers of the preparation, the ideal is between 3 and 5 layers. Once it is dry, you remove it.

Finally, you have to improve the finishes, trimming them with scissors and passing a fine sandpaper.

Whichever technique you choose, once the mold is made you can paint it, write a poem, make decoupage, or decorate it in the way you like best. They are two very simple and economical ways of to make a sculpture of your pregnant gut. You just have to be patient to do it and wait for the mold to dry.

The result is a hollow gut mold that the pregnant woman can keep forever as a memory of those special months.

Video: Fake Pregnancy Belly: How-To DIY : BFX (July 2024).