Wonder Woman supports a child who wants to carry a backpack against gender stereotypes

Blogger Katie Alicea wrote in Break a few words showing her concern because his five-year-old son Isaac had chosen a backpack of 'Wonder Woman' to start his first year in kindergarten and he was afraid someone could mess with him.

Gal Gadot, protagonist of 'Wonder Woman' (Wonder Woman in Spanish), he replied with an emotional message in your official Twitter account:

"I just read this article about breaking gender stereotypes by Katie Alicea. Such an important topic and something I strongly believe in. I hope Isaac will wear the crown and his WW backpack with pride to school." #WonderBo

Parents facing stereotypes

These were the words of mother Katie Alicea in the post entitled "My son is breaking gender stereotypes," which made the Israeli actress react:

"Most parents support their children's interests and believe in breaking gender stereotypes, but, a mother sees how difficult it can be to go against the flow. My five-year-old son, Isaac, is very excited to start the garden of childhood in a few weeks. When he chose a new backpack, he knew which one he wanted. Wonder Woman's backpack. "

"I will be honest, my first response was, are you sure? But without losing a second, he replied: 'Yes, I have looked at all the backpacks and this one from Wonder Woman is my favorite, it has a mother crown, it is perfect.' that I am scared of my sweet Isaac, how the world can treat someone who does not easily fit stereotypes or who sets his own way instead of following others. "

And this was Gal Gadot's twit reply:

Just read this article about breaking gender stereotypes by Katie Alicea. Such an important topic and something I believe in so strongly. I hope Issac wore the crown and his WW backpack proudly to school. 🙅🏻‍♀️ # WonderBoy pic.twitter.com/sCbfprbG5y

- Gal Gadot (@GalGadot) August 7, 2018


And he also shared on Instagram, where his initiative has been applauded by more than a million people.

Initiatives to end stereotypes

It seems a lie in the 21st century, but we still continue to maintain the idea (and worse still, many times sharing it with our children) that girls like dolls and boys like cars.

That's why it's good that movie icons such as the Wonder Woman interpreter, raise their voices against these obsolete thoughts. Or that a mother like Katie Alicea publicly launched this question:

"Why are we trying to believe that our children have to live in a world of blues, browns and greens, which is fine if they play with guns and not with Barbies? My husband Tony and I are working hard to make sure that children can follow their own interests, regardless of gender roles ".

In Babies and More we are in favor of eliminating gender stereotypes and we try to publish those initiatives that defend the idea. Two years ago we applauded the announcement of the toy chain that featured a child who imagined being a toy for a day: from astronaut to queen. Why not?

But we also echoed the grandfather who painted his nails like his grandson or the launch of 'non-specific gender' clothes. The problem is that these initiatives remain news and as long as it means, we remain sexist in behaviors.

There are no toys or comic characters for boys or girls, They are only instruments of play, fun, for those who opt for them, without distinction of sex. Because our children are not born thinking: "I am a child, so I like Batman", "As I am a girl, my heroine is Wonder Woman".

Absolutely. We are the parents, the sexist advertisements of the toys, who with the words and actions imply that something is not right, if they leave the beliefs established for their sex.

The role of parents would not be to encourage them to play, regardless of what? Luckily, more and more children are having fun with dolls and girls passionate about the ball. Above all, we must support them in everything they do to promote their safety and self-esteem.

And, by the way, why not take advantage to play with them and thus share quality moments? Today it's your turn to wear the Wonder Woman crown.

Photos Gal Gadot

In Babies and More Carrefour is forced to rectify after the avalanche of criticism caused by an advertising of sexist toys, "Stereo", the short of a 13-year-old girl who shows the inverted gender stereotypes

Video: Gal Gadot Calls to Break Gender Stereotypes; Supports Boy With Wonder Woman Crown (July 2024).