Attacks on teachers in children under six years of age increase in the United Kingdom

A few days ago we talked about what could be the reason that some children are not empathic and, consequently, perhaps aggressive when observing that some children between 3 and 5 years act disrespectfully with both adults and the children around them .

At United Kingdom they seem to be asking the same question because attacks on teachers by children under six are increasing, to the point that up to fifteen children between four and six years old are expelled daily for this reason in that country.

In addition to these fifteen children on average, nine more attack their peers every day, another nine often have bad behavior and three others are sent home for using inappropriate language.

Faced with this situation, they have begun to look guilty because it seems impossible and incredible for children of 4, 5 and 6 years to disrespect in such a way and not only to their classmates, who is already deplorable, but also to teachers, adult people who theoretically should serve as a reference for these children.

Parents and education system, guilty

Experts seem to look towards parents and the education system. They say that neither are able to make the new generations respect authority and respect their equals.

The parents because due to the current functioning of society they must work several hours a day, both fathers and mothers, leaving very little time to share with the children, who spend many hours without referents, that they lack models to look at and that they feel strangely alone, seeking many times to get attention "for the bad" ("if under normal conditions my parents are not with me I will try other strategies to focus their attention on me").

Also, they say that children spend many hours alone in front of television or video games and that they end up assuming the behaviors they see on the screens.

The education system, on the other hand, seems not to know how to redirect this and it seems that the problem has been coming for a long time, since 7,620 children were expelled in the course of 2008/2009, of which 2,890 were expelled for attacking an adult. This figure has increased by 19% in two years, highlighting that, far from improving, the situation seems to be getting worse.


Given this situation, the government has started looking for solutions and it seems that the only solutions come from the education department (nothing about trying to improve work and family reconciliation so that parents and children spend more hours together), which has edited a guide with measures that could help teachers to ensure that children have a minimally respectful behavior with their peers and with the same teachers.

According to experts, it is "enormously worrying" that bad behavior begins at such early ages and I agree. Many things must be failing so that so many children from 4 to 6 years old get expelled from school.

Video: Abandoned toddler rescued and raised by feral dogs. 60 Minutes Australia (July 2024).