Dads and moms blogs (LXVIII)

This week the review by moms and dads blogs It is very special for me. A couple of weeks ago I was announcing a book that just went on sale, "A new motherhood", edited by OB STARE. The work has as authors 15 women who have kept their identities until a few days ago, to give more emotion to the launch and who have met in a group called The Tribe 2.0.

Today I can tell you that these 15 women, who have met on the network and shared their experiences, have also done it with you, the readers. They all have their blog, and we have talked a lot about them. Today I will review 14 of them, and in the end I tell you the reason for not talking about the number 15.

But, of course, in their active blogs, they offer us much more. Let's read them.

Azucena Alfonsín, the author of Mother apprentice, a blog published by La Voz de Galicia, this week shares with us the story of a teacher who helps her little students to pass the terror of a shooting with a song.

Maria Berrozpe, from Re-educating MomHe asks us what discipline is for us.

Monica Felipe, who writes in Maternal Group, tells us what is at the bottom of the revolution that feels necessary in recent times and considers it a matriarchal revolution.

Irene García, from Ser moms, also tells us about the revolution of women and their impressions in the great manifestation of the Sun.

María José García, in Sant Feliu Breastfeeding, invites us to think and enjoy cinema with babies.

Mateo's mom, Carolina Garcinuño, also reflects on 15 M, which has become a subject of compulsory treatment throughout the network and also in blogs of conscious motherhood.

Nohemí Hervada, the author of Mimes and Tit Share a wonderful article about a doula, Nuria Otero, entitled "Becoming a mother."

Doula's soul is Erika Irusta's blog, she tells us about the book "A new motherhood" and the prologue of Rosa Jové.

María del Mar Jiménez, our MMar, in The Alternative Blog He tells us, on International Game Day, that playing is a right.

Ileana Medina, the author of the already famous We got boobs It reproduces a letter from a very interesting reader, who talks about a real case of risk for breastfeeding and labor law.

Wake up in the light is the blog of Cristina Miralles, who is also the author of a book that we already recommend at the time, "He will paint the suns of his path", which offers an extensive precious fragment.

Louma Sader is the author of the well-known blog Maternal love He tells us, among other things, how to understand informed consent in childbirth and what a good document of this type might include.

Raquel Rate, from Mother EarthHe tells us about the mothers who give other mothers their experience, their support, their listening, their help and their understanding without judgment.

The last of the authors of "A new motherhood" of which I invite you to visit her blog is Vivian Watson, of A mom is born that day mothers recommend as an alternative to daycare so that the children of working women are cared for as affectionately as possible.

All of them dedicate an entry in their blogs to the wonderful prologue that Rosa Jové has written for her book and which begins in this way:

The first time I saw this wonderful manuscript I agreed with what is said in the epilogue: it does not leave you indifferent. Like it or not, it removes you to the deepest. In many of its pages some of us will be reflected and our eyes will get wet as the reading progresses. Others, less fortunate, will not feel so much emotion but surely they will have material to reflect. Before these pages neutrality does not exist.

Of the missing author, member number 15 of The Tribe 2.0 I can't link to your blog. You are already in it. It is about myself and it is a pride to have introduced you to my companions and my first book, in which Babies and more appears and takes one of her editors to the paper.

I hope this review by moms and dads blogs, in this case, for those of La Tribu 2.0, a group of bloggers who are authors of "A New Maternity" you liked it. And, of course, I recommend you read the book.

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