A woman gave birth hours after running a marathon

No pregnant woman imagines running a marathon, not even walking the 42 kilometers traveled by a 27-year-old American athlete pregnant with 39 weeks. The woman gave birth to his second daughter hours after running a marathon through the streets of Chicago.

For most it will seem crazy, but Amber is an experienced marathon runner, who was allowed by doctors to participate in the race by running only half the way and the rest walking.

The fact is that she completed the journey of the eighth marathon of her life, accompanied by her husband, in 6 hours and 25 minutes, and although he had felt discomfort during the race he attributed them to the effort.

After the race she went to dinner with her husband and it was there that she began to feel the labor contractions that indicated that the arrival of the baby was imminent.

Most will think that it is an unconsciousness to run a marathon with 39 weeks gestation, but Amber says that she was involved in the race when she still did not know she was pregnant, and that she also ran with the authorization of her doctors who know her history.

Obviously, she is an athlete passionate about what she does, to the point that she has not considered giving up the race despite being in date to give birth. The end of the story is happy: he already has his second daughter, June.

Video: Woman runs marathon, then gives birth (July 2024).