How to improve spelling knowledge and learning

With the arrival of the Internet even if it seems a lie, we read a lot and share a lot of information. It is very easy to participate in the conversation and writing, in the absence of the video being introduced with more force, it is the best way to present our opinions. To get us to understand and above all earning some credibility spelling is critical. I belong to a generation that they taught us that it was important to write well and trained us for that with the dictionary queries, the discipline of dictation, frequent reading, more writing and in general, very basic techniques although very efficient to win in the knowledge.

In the professional environment and especially in the written press it is difficult not to read every day a lack of spelling, for example, to confuse the bottom with the bottom, part with the other, if not with but, there with or there are the axes, grapes, kiss and emes that roam freely. I'm not going to mess with the use of sms or whatsapp because I think they are only part of the problem. And is that a lack of spelling offers a bad image, shows neglect, a lack of attention to detail and some recklessness and impudence Who do you write it for?

So it is very important to practice spelling correctly although the recent change proposed by the Academy I think will generate more confusion and less quality in the long-term writings.

I think one of the problems is the lack of motivation that students have to write correctly. And to change it, it is necessary to cause the children to make an effort, to work, to learn that written communication matters, they have to identify references, they have to read, much and almost anything, and they have to have in their parents, in their elders and in their teachers mirrors in which to look or at least to encourage them to acquire the most appropriate learning.

To illustrate the article with an attractive image I have found that of a spelling bee contest, which, because of the large amount of content found, seems important in the United States. I think it works by elimination series in schools until we reach the national competition. If someone knows you better, please explain it and indicate if the initiative is successful.

I am very much in favor of learning and improving healthy competitions between children and encouraging them to learn to write, to read and why not also to carry out mathematical operations. How long have they not broadcast on television a contest for children that rewards the effort to learn and acquire knowledge of spelling?

Video: Learn English - Basic rules to improve your spelling (July 2024).