My baby was born in autumn, when do I take him for a walk?

Go for a walk with your baby from day one It is good for both him and you. However, in autumn and winter you must take into account some precautions, such as knowing how to choose the best time to go out and adverse weather situations. We tell you everything you need to know to take a newborn for a walk at this time of year.

Nothing to stay at home

Formerly, it used to wait 40 days before taking the child to the street because it was thought that, in this way, his immune system was still preserved immature. However, nowadays pediatricians recommend that Babies go for a walk on the street from day one for at least one hour a day.

Going out, at least an hour a day, helps strengthen the defenses of babies

Contrary to what was thought decades ago, Going out helps strengthen children's defenses. The outdoors and the sun's rays tone your skin and also strengthen your bones. In addition, the sensory stimuli of street lights and sounds, favor their development and promote their sociability.

If your baby was born in the fall, you can also benefit from all this. You just have to take into account some considerations before taking to the street at this time of year.

The best moment of the day

The first hours of the day and the last hours of the afternoon are usually the wettest and coldest. In autumn and winter, the best hours of the day to go for a walk with your baby They are mid-morning, the central hours of the day and the first hours of the afternoon. Check the sky before going outside, if it does not rain with jugs and it is not strong wind, you can go out with him without any problem.

As the days are shorter in winter, a good idea is Snack in the street with your baby. So you can take advantage of a little sun in the park early in the afternoon. When the baby gets hungry, sit comfortably with him on a sheltered place of air currents to breastfeed or bottle.

And if you decide to go out with your baby on the street and, suddenly, the day gets ugly; You can always change the walk along the street or the park for a shopping day, a nice cafeteria or an exhibition.

And cold too?

Of course! The cold is not bad for the baby if it is well covered. The same goes for air currents. If the air is clean and moderate, it is good for your health. Instead, If it is a very strong wind, it is better for the little one to remain at home. Strong air currents remove particles of germs and viruses. This increases the chances of getting diseases.

As for rain and snow, if it is a mild drizzle or a strong and insistent but irregular rain, you can go quietly with the child. Of course, you should always cover it well and protect it inside the stroller with specific raincoats.

If you do a storm, leave the ride for another day and stay safe at home. Finally, the cold and dry climate of a snowfall does not affect the child if it is well sheltered.

Clean and moderate air is good for baby's health

Usually, if you you dress properly and choose a suitable stroller For this season of the year, as DUO Urban Plus Winter Edition, you don't have to have any repairs.

This Chicco stroller is especially suitable for the coldest months of the year and ensures the comfort of the baby during the walk in winter. In addition, it quickly transforms into a comfortable carrycot to meet all the baby's needs and be able to be used from birth.

How to shelter a baby to protect it from the cold

During the coldest time of the year it is convenient that babies are warm, but not too much because if they sweat they can cool later. In addition, too many layers of clothing will make them feel uncomfortable and enjoy the ride.

Keep in mind that babies it takes about a month to adapt to the temperature outside the womb, where they have been well protected and protected from all weather conditions for 9 months.

From the month of life, they will feel the cold and heat exactly like you, but until then try to always put them one more layer of clothes than the one you carry. Also keep in mind that newborns just move and find it harder to get warm.

Babies lose heat from the feet, head and hands

To go in the cart, put on comfortable and loose clothes, dress him with warm cotton underwear and winter clothes. Add a jacket, a winter jumpsuit or a coat over it. It will also be good for you to wear mittens or gloves, a hat and a turtleneck.

Babies lose heat from the feet, head and hands. Try to keep these parts of your body always very warm. DUO Urban Plus Winter Edition includes a warm handrail that can be used by both parents on the handlebars, as well as the child on the protective bar of the chair.

If it is very cold, you can put the bubble in the stroller. The Chicco stroller also contains a soft eco-leather lined leg cover, usable in both the carrycot and the stroller mode.

General advice

The baby ride should be a pleasant moment of leisure shared between parents and their little one. Everyone will be fine and will allow you to strengthen ties. However, keep in mind before leaving home:

  • The first ride should not be very long. No matter how much you were able to walk before. Now you are not alone and babies slow the pace. Until you get used to attending with ease all your needs and pushing the stroller, do not mark exaggeratedly long routes. Do not worry and take it easy, you will gradually increase the time of being outdoors.

  • You set the pace. Walking is always healthy, but if you have recently given birth, you may not be fit to do a walking marathon.

Keep in mind your needs: if you are hungry, you will not enjoy the ride

  • You choose the moment. The rush is not good. It is important to leave when the parents feel comfortable and the child is not hungry or uncomfortable about something. Always respect your needs and schedules.

  • Quiet and clean places of pollution. As much as possible, choose to walk in a park or in a green area, away from urban centers, often too busy and busy. In general, it is about looking for peaceful environments where the baby does not get nervous and where his health is not in danger. Think that the more people there are, the more risk the child will get an airborne infection.

As you can see, your baby is born in the autumn or winter months is not at all an impediment for him to enjoy the walks on the street. Sunlight is necessary, as it provides vitamin D and helps fix calcium in the baby's bones. It's all a matter of logic. Taking some general precautions, walk the baby in winter Not only will it not harm you, but it will favor your physical, sensory and social development.

In Chicco Moments

  • The baby's first months: know his emotional and social needs

  • Seven advantages of the stroller and how to choose the most suitable

  • BLW or guided complementary feeding: tips for practice

Images | iStock / FamVeld / Ginew / javi_indy.

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