Mother despite ovarian cancer

This week the Dexeus Institute of Barcelona has introduced us to Vanesssa Pastor and her son Mario. The special thing about this case is that Vanessa has been a mother despite suffering from ovarian cancer thanks to the vitrification of their ovules.

The treatment was developed in 2009 but this week the little Mario has been presented in society and the case has been explained in detail as it will be published in a prestigious medical journal: "Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics"

The patient was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. First the left was removed but it soon became clear that it was necessary to do the same with the right, which would prevent her from being a mother.

Since she wanted it intensely, she resorted to an ovarian stimulation treatment adapted to her case and the oocytes were removed, vitrifying them, as has been done for a few years with other cancer patients of other types.

After Vanessa was operated and, since her illness was in a very initial phase, her evolution has been so good that before a year and a half she became pregnant thanks to an assisted reproduction technique: in vitro fertilization and implantation.

This treatment is common in breast cancer patients for example, but had not been done so far in a case of a mother with ovarian cancer. It has been possible to perform this assisted reproduction treatment because the disease was in a very early stage and, in that case, the survival rate is considerably high.

Via | The World More information | New ovarian stimulation technique, new hopes to conceive after cancer, Mother of two babies after cancer, Women with breast cancer who become pregnant are more likely to survive

Video: Special Mother's Day for Waukesha ovarian cancer survivor (July 2024).