Pedophilia in the network: recommendations for minors Xbox users

There is no denying that the advancement of technology brings us many advantages in terms of accessing information, discovering new educational tools and socializing. Although it is also clear that Any person who wishes to harm children through network connections, has many possibilities in terms of tools.

The arrest yesterday in Seville of one of the most active pedophiles demonstrates this, since it was discovered that he used an X Box console to contact minors, obtain images of naked children, and even extort them. There were two small 11 and 12 year-old residents in Lleida and Barcelona, ​​who alerted the mossos d'esquadra, and a total of 50 victims may have suffered grooming. A few years ago parents alerted children about strangers who offer sweets to get closer to minors and get sexual favors. Today we have to worry because the pedophiles who act in the networks are able to offer very attractive gifts for children who use video games, An example? codes to play online and level up.

On other occasions, mobile phone terminals are promised in exchange for images that are distributed in child pornography networks. But parents also have a very powerful tool to take care of children when they are online: love for our children and the need to protect them.

Any support with network connection can serve to extort money from the little ones, let's stop looking at computers, as this will help us better adapt our ability to prevent.

What should minor Xbox users consider?

  • The user is linked to a Microsoft Live email account. 'Have a different email address serve your personal email account: it must not contain any real information about you.'

  • Invent a difficult password (combination of numbers, upper and lower case letters)

  • A unique password must be used for the Xbox account. Different passwords are recommended for each account, so if someone manages to steal one of them, the rest will not be compromised.

  • NEVER share passwords (not even as proof of friendship). Children should know that it is not right for them to ask for their friends. Passwords are private and secret.

  • When you sign in to an Xbox360 that is not our property, you must delete profile when we finish

  • In case it is necessary to provide personal data to access Xbox Live or Xbox Gold services, minors must be accompanied by their parents, and they will monitor what data they are intended to provide.

  • No personal data is shared with other users, nor photos or videos, since it is impossible to know the use that other people will make of it.

  • People who do not know each other in person are not accepted as friends. The number of friendships should be limited to 150.

  • NEVER give in to blackmail among friends on the Xbox, or strangers. Committed situations should be discussed with parents.

  • When the webcam and / or Xbox Kinect are not used, they are disabled.

  • Every time the console wants to update, we must do so, so we protect ourselves from vunerabilities and possible attacks.

  • Sometimes messages or emails promising Microsoft Points, challenges, improvements, etc. ... reach miracles ... miracles do not exist, and there may be hidden intentions behind.

Let's not forget that children can be victims of grooming not only through the home laptop, but also of the Smartphone that they take daily to the Institute, of the tablet, and even of the consoles. Parents should strive to catch up, and take time to talk about protection when they are online, these advances contribute to making relationships through technological means safer.

And of course whenever we suspect that a technological crime is occurring, we do not hesitate to report it to the authorities.

Video: How the FBI Catch Paedophiles. Inside The FBI (July 2024).