What are the most appropriate exercises during pregnancy?

The great news arrives, you are pregnant and you want to know if you can continue performing the exercise you are used to, if it is convenient to start new physical activity practices or on the contrary the exercise is contraindicated. Today we are going to discuss all these issues and see what are the most appropriate exercises during pregnancy.

First of all, it should be clarified that, if there is no contraindication, moderate exercise during pregnancy is good for the mother and the baby. Therefore, we should not fear continuing with our gymnastics or starting it gradually when we are pregnant: it is advisable if there are no risks to pregnancy.

Exercise can help us feel better and maintain adequate weight, and can also help relieve or prevent discomfort during pregnancy. It can also give us more energy and prepare the body for labor, increasing the level of muscular strength and optimism. In short, they are all advantages for both the body and the mind.

If we do not have serious medical problems and the pregnancy is not complicated or risky, we will be sure to do some exercise. However, It is better to consult with the doctor before starting any exercise program, because every woman is a world and we can't take risks.

What exercises are the most recommended during pregnancy?

Also in the case of the different exercises it should be noted that each case is different, and for a woman who is accustomed to swimming that is probably the indicated exercise, but if we have never practiced swimming or it is an activity that we dislike, it is better to choose another exercise.

If we are not used to doing any exercise, it is best that we start with the walks, because it does not require special conditions or training and at least at a slow pace we usually do them all.

In short, we have to take into account the habits and preferences of each woman, but in general we can say that there are certain appropriate physical activities to perform during this stage, and that we could also perform combined ...

  • Walking during pregnancy brings multiple benefits and is an activity that can be done from the first to the last moment before delivery. In fact, it is advisable to favor the arrival of the baby naturally. Walking we prevent circulatory problems such as edema and its consequences, swelling of legs and feet, constipation, hemorrhoids ... Also walk during pregnancy helps control weight gain without forcing the organism, because it is an aerobic exercise but of low impact.

  • Riding a bicycle during pregnancy is an activity that relaxes, tones, distracts, prevents excess weight (both mother and baby), improves circulation (which causes so many problems during pregnancy) ... Cycling It is usually recommended as a viable activity until the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy. After this time the volume of the belly of the pregnant woman can unbalance it and it is best to look for something less dangerous. An option for the final stretch of pregnancy may be the exercise bike.

  • During pregnancy it is ideal to exercise in the water, since this means that the bodies that are submerged in it greatly reduce their physical weight and reduce the risk of injury or force muscles. Another advantage is that the pregnant woman's body does not overheat. And next to these points, swimming or aqua aerobics provide muscular, circulatory, respiratory improvement, lower back pain, relax ...

  • Yoga during pregnancy: this exercise improves body posture and helps prevent backaches and disorders such as hemorrhoids and vomiting, helps reduce the pressure and weight of pregnancy, helps eliminate the feeling of fatigue, nervous tension and ensures the fetus greater oxygenation ... It is also a very relaxing exercise for the mother and during the same it is usually very conscious of the baby, favoring the bond and communication before birth.

  • The Pilates method is also beneficial and provides similar advantages to yoga. You just have to take into account to avoid the postures or exercises that press the belly or jeopardize our balance.

  • We can make a plan of spine stretching and head exercises at home, as well as other stretching, to complement other physical activity and achieve flexibility, relaxation, muscle toning ... These exercises, along with others of legs, arms, abdominals ... or Kegel exercises or squatting exercises are common in childbirth preparation classes but we can do them comfortably at home.

We already have to choose the ideal exercise for us during pregnancy. Anyway, as we have said, it is good check with our doctor before starting our exercise plan in case you consider that there is a particular risk in our situation.

Also, if we notice any of the following symptoms, we must interrupt the performance of any exercise and go to the gynecologist: vaginal bleeding, difficulty or effort to breathe before undertaking physical activity, dizziness, headache, chest discomfort, muscle weakness, pain or swelling in the calves, contractions, reduction in the movement of the fetus, blurred vision or loss of fluid through the vagina.

We hope that with all these tips you are willing to enjoy a healthy exercise in pregnancy, beneficial for both the future mother and the baby. Soon we will return with more tips to make this stage healthier and happier, talking about when you can start the exercise during pregnancy.