"Read" with your baby

Lately I share the readings, let's call them light, with my baby.

Certain magazines and newspapers arouse a lot of interest in it, and as I probably don't find a place to read them at my easeWell, what better way to share that moment of light reading with her, who already claims not to get bored.

It is not that a baby with a few months is learning to read, since there are a few left before reaching 3 years, when some experts say that it is good for children to learn to read. Nor is it an exceptional case of intellectual giftedness as the girl we saw recently and who already read at 17 months of age.

In fact, my baby seems not to care too much for me to read continuously, nor watch over the integrity of the newspapers. Because babies will be interested in the images that they see pass before their eyes, by the movement and the sound when passing the leaves, and even by the sensation of the paper that ends up wrinkled between their hands.

They discover that they can also make noise with the paper, and may even try to imitate the movement of turning the page at the moment they begin to coordinate the motor skills of the arms and hands.

Although it is not surprising that after having handled a certain part of the magazine or newspaper, or trying to turn the page, a pull ends up breaking them, so I would not risk putting a baby in front of an incunable ... We can only risk reading with babies when it comes to works for which we do not feel too much appreciation or need concentration.

But that way you can also take advantage of that little Reading time between parents and children, while we echo the information that interests us, they will stimulate their motor skills and their senses in our lap. They exercise sight, hearing, touch ... but not taste! You have to be careful, because we are not facing edible books, and we already know how they put everything in their mouths ...

Well, and by the way, the experience will help us because it is never too early to encourage children to read. Contact with books from a very young age is essential.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).