Pregnancy is "contagious", according to a study

They say that misfortunes never come alone, because when one happens it seems that the universe conjures up so that, soon after, a second one comes. Well, it is possible that, in the same way, the joys also do not come alone, because according to a study when a woman becomes pregnant the chances that women in your environment will also get pregnant multiply.

Obviously, it is not that the universe is making its own or anything like that, but the fact of seeing a pregnant partner or friend seems to generate, in women who are not yet mothers or who are not pregnant, the desire to live the same as her.

The study was carried out at the German University of Bamberg, where they analyzed the behavior of 42,000 women from 7,600 companies. In the study they observed that during the year after the pregnancy of a worker the possibility was doubled that their partners would also get pregnant.

The explanation, as I have already mentioned, comes from observation and contact. Seeing a woman, partner or friend, pregnant or already with her baby, the other women experience the desire to be a mother and see their self-confidence increased in their abilities to be.

In the words of the researchers:

As the decision to have a child is taken in the midst of great uncertainty, the experiences of the social environment are especially relevant for women.

Come on, that seeing other women considered equal as mothers can make other mothers feel capable of being mothers also at that particular moment in their lives. The effect is such that sometimes a true chain reaction is unleashed, in which all women begin to get pregnant with a more or less determined time between pregnancies, as if the one who does not become pregnant feels even strange to see that their partners do or do have children.

Personally I have never noticed this phenomenon and, if it has happened, I have attributed it more to a simple matter of age (by age, all my partners are in a good time to be mothers) than to a matter of contagion. But of course, I'm a man and I don't get pregnant. Perhaps you can tell us if you have felt the same as pregnant women or as partners of a pregnant woman. Do you cheer up?

Video: This is Your Pregnancy in 2 Minutes. Glamour (July 2024).