Mechanical respirators in very premature babies can develop lung damage

Within the International Congress of Perinatal Medicine and Neonatology commented by our partner Dolores, the issue of artificial ventilation in premature babies has been discussed.

Mechanical ventilation or breathing is a procedure in which a ventilator or ventilator breathes or collaborates temporarily for the baby, providing him with the oxygen he needs and which he cannot achieve with his normal breathing due to lack of maturity and development in his pulmonary or nervous system. This is achieved through an endotracheal tube, through the mouth or nose and even the trachea, each baby, according to their needs, receives a number of breaths per minute, air pressure, amount of oxygen.

Eduardo Bancalari, director of the Neonatology Unit of the Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami (USA) and professor of Pediatrics and Gynecology at the University of Miami, said that the use of these fans in very premature babies can develop damage to the lungs and a subsequent poor development of their organs. Bancalari proposes to use alternatives to avoid the mechanical ventilator and with it, the risks of the newborn receiving very high pressures that are aggressive and possible infections in the immature lungs. For example, the use of continuous positive pressure, which offers, through small tubes in the nose that increases the amount of air inspired without increasing the work of breathing.

He also stressed that technology in neonatology is not the only and best tool, a good health program is necessary, being the United States a country that leads research and technological development, has a much higher infant mortality rate than Japan, Sweden and some European countries.

Via | Radio Granada

Video: "Respiratory Distress in the Newborn" by Megan Connelly for OPENPediatrics (July 2024).