The most famous sextuplets of the moment are already two years old and will star in a reality show

A little less than two years ago Lola brought us one of the most famous sextuplet photographs in history, the one in which a lying dad took a picture with his six naked children surrounding him everywhere, with the attentive look of the mother who I was behind the scenes.

Now the most famous sextuplets of the moment have already turned two years old and on December 15, within a week, they will release a reality show in which all of them, children of Mia and Rozonno McGhee, will be protagonists of family day-to-day life (and then you can see some photos of what it can be).

Myself, a few days after Lola entered, I wanted to make a few numbers related to the raising and care of the six babies and, for example, I concluded that the couple spent about 52 diapers a day dedicating almost four hours to put them on

Apparently someone must have also thought that raising six children should be a whole show and they decided to do a program with the well-known family. Among other things, you can see images as curious or desperate as being in the situation of being the six children crying at the same time in one of those moments when parents don't know whether to laugh or cry. If I am already overwhelmed when my three children are crying at the same time, thinking about being six and in addition to the same age (and that age are the terrible two) makes me almost hyperventilate (from humor, of course, that then one laughs explaining these situations).

Here in Spain we will be curious to see how these parents manage them at home with their six beautiful children, so to give you an idea of ​​how their lives can be and how the reality will be, I leave you with some photos :

What do you think? Honestly it seems like a pass, very cool to have six children to care for, raise, educate and spend time with. However, with the one that is falling and with what is necessary for the children that their parents have time for them, I would know badly not to be able to dedicate myself to all of them in the way that I like to do it, because if with three I have that feeling I'm missing a lot of things from my children, imagine if I had double.

Video: Dark Secrets The Gosselin Family Tried To Hide (July 2024).