The Walter Sax Big Band and the spectacular calendar of performances at the Sanpol Theater

As Walter had anticipated in his interview, the Sanpol Theater in Madrid prepares to present to all viewers a band of metals, percussion and strings that will fill the stage for several days. And the Sanpol Theater has reached a collaboration agreement with the WS Association of Musicians so that the Walter Sax Big Band is the resident formation of the Sanpol Theater.

The agreement contemplates the development of different musical activities establishing some lines of collaboration around musical training, production, staging and concert rehearsals. So the theater will be the usual rehearsal place and especially the development of dissemination tasks and promotion of musical activities Among the youngest.

And in April starts with the Big Band a series of didactic / musical meetings at the Sanpol Theater aimed at children and parents. A cycle called is organized Enjoy a big band.

The performances are divided into four parts:

  • The birth of a big band, April 6
  • The repertoire of a big band, April 20
  • The rehearsals of a big band, May 11
  • The big band in concert, May 25

We will try to attend some of the sessions and we will be very attentive to the Walter Sax Big Band show to see what a big band is, what instruments it is made of, how each section sounds, etc. And also sure that we love the vision offered by the orchestra about the history of jazz, swing and in general we will enjoy singing and dancing with the repertoire.

I think that these types of activities are very important to encourage children to meet many musics, to share them in the Theater with parents and surely then at home or in the car you can take advantage and expand that knowledge. It is a pity that we have lost television programs as important and relevant as The concert which also had a very good extension with the Missing Stompers with which also We learned a lot of jazz, swing and movie music adapted to children.

Surely the Walter Sax Big Band can complement that space and fill it to make the kids happy to sing and dance these great musical hits.

Video: WALTER SAX BIG BAND Bogui Jazz, 6 de diciembre de 2015 "Viva la Walter Sax Big Band!" (July 2024).