The viral fun that shows that WhatsApp groups of school parents have gotten out of hand

I find it hard to imagine how parents managed before the WhatsApp groups of the school existed. Before the slightest doubt, we immediately went to solve it in the group, sometimes creating more confusion than solution. A sample of this is a viral fun that circulates through the networks (and of course, by the WhatsApp groups of the school) of a conversation of parents that shows that the WhatsApp groups of the school have gotten out of hand.

The proximity to Christmas with the end-of-the-year performances in sight makes these groups especially active with inquiries about costumes or Christmas activities. A Twitter user (@NOESPORPRESUMIR) has shared the thread of a kind dramatization of a conversation between parents that evidently the rules of good use of the WhatsApp groups of the school have not been read.

WhatsApp parent group (dramatization):
- Good afternoon everyone, has the lady said how the school nativity scene is going? I could not go to the meeting.
- Hi.
- Yes, he has said that they are pastors.

- Juan (@ N0ESP0RPRESUMIR) December 12, 2017

We copy it in full below:

-Good morning everyone, said the lady how is the nativity scene of the school? I could not go to the meeting.
-Yes, he said it. That go from pastors.
-Good afternoon.
-Who said it or who goes as pastor?
-My daughter doesn't go on the field trip, she's sick.
-That it gets better.
-That it gets better.
-That it gets better.
-Mine goes from the magician king.
-That it gets better.
-Who is going to be a magician king?
-My son goes to the magician king, the lady told me on the way out.
-That it gets better.
-Let's do a prayer chain for Kenya.
-This is incredible. My son wanted to go from Herod.
-That it gets better.
-What happened in Kenya?
-Herodes in the Bethlehem ???
-Hello everyone.
-That it gets better.
-We will focus the issue. Let's see by what criteria the wise men have been chosen because my daughter wanted to be king.
-And my son Virgin Mary, don't bother me Maricarmen.
-That it gets better.
-If my daughter wants to be a magician king, who are you to impose gender roles?
-Hello everyone. I don't hear about Kenya.
-Maricarmen, gender roles do not know what they are but I have already bought a crown and a cape in the Chinese and my son is a magician.
-That it gets better.
-In Kenya nothing has happened, but let's see if we can't pray for them. We have to remember people before the misfortunes pass.
-But who has given the costume guidelines?
-Hello everyone. Get better and what happens in Kenya?
-My son goes as a pastor too? How many pastors are there? What is it, Asaja?
-Look, as we don't focus on the subject, we get lost. How does the costume have to be?
-The thing about costumes is cultural appropriation.
-I'm leaving late for work.
-Why did you get angry?
-I got angry because there are no clear guidelines.
-Hello. Let it get better.
-My son has to go dressed as a Kenyan? I do not get it.
-Someone makes me a summary that I just arrived?
-That it gets better.

After the success of the first thread, he created a second part:

We go with the second part of the WhatsApp parent group:
- Hi, I just read everything. Is there any news? Have criteria been set?
- Criteria, no, but I think there are guidelines.
- My son says there is no math homework.

- Juan (@ N0ESP0RPRESUMIR) December 12, 2017

We go with the second part of the WhatsApp parent group:
-Hello, I just read everything. Is there any news? Have criteria been set?
-Criteria, no, but I think there are guidelines.
-My son says there is no math homework.
-That it gets better.
-Hello! Today is Donor Day.
-No, if the girl is already well.
-Mathematics does not touch, I think.
-Who is right?
-The hem of the bag will you leave it with a bias cut?
-There are duties of Perception and Cognitive sports activities. They have to do two abs and a wording about rugby.
-Happy Donor Day to all.
- What shade of brown have the beret of the shepherd costumes?
-The girl already poops. Little, but good color
- Let's not forget Kenya even if it's Donor Day.
-I'm glad, poor.
-That it gets better.
-Hello. Pray for Kenya.
-Who said math?
-Can we close any topic? Are there any guidelines?
-Good afternoon.
-Luisito has lost a Pokémon scarf.
-You are saying about mathematics, that you don't stop talking about bisectors.
-The neck scarf is puckered?
-We can close the topic of Kenya.
-I do not get it.
-A moment I put the lady in the group.
(MAMA PABLITO has invited SEÑO LAURA to the group).
-Hello everyone. I can not participate in the group. Remember that Tuesday is the Bethlehem and the children go to the assigned character. The costumes are free. Thank you (LORD LAURA has left the group).
-My son has a costume from last year when the World's Music. Manolito will go from Tyrolean.
-That Kenya gets better.
-I do not get it.
-A Tyrolean in the portal of Bethlehem ??
-I leave you a link to donate blood.
-A Tyrolean is a kind of shepherd.
-Hello, I've been searching Google for how bisectors are made in case you're interested.
-If Manolito goes from Tyrolean, I recycle the zebra costume of the zoo party.
-Maricarmen, that the girl has to go mule not zebra.
-Hello, have you sewn the pants pocket or made with rubber?
-What else does mule or zebra, there were two animals of each species.
-Paquito wants to go from Batman.
-That it gets better.
-That was in Noah's Ark.
-I do not get it.
-My son has already done the abs and the writing.
-Luisito has already found the Pokémon scarf.
-There are already guidelines. I'm going to buy the shepherd costume.
-Hello. We have to focus the debate!
- In the portal of Bethlehem there were no zebras, right?
-I do not get it. So my son has to be disguised as a bisector?
-I think we can agree that in the Bethlehem portal there were no zebras. Come on, I say.
-I'm missing criteria, there are guidelines.
-Hello, my son dressed up as Elvis last year in the Rock of the jail, but that is not very Christmas.
-Let's see where I find a Tyrolean costume now.
-Hello, I just entered the chat. Does anyone make me a summary?
-And that's it. Did you like it? I'm not exaggerating much, really :)

For some fathers and mothers, the Whastapp groups of the school are the best thing that has happened to them, because without them they would find out about half of the things, but for others they are clearly the worst thing that could have happened in the schools and seeing this thread , I also believe it.

Video: Sexting Gone Wrong (July 2024).