Week 11 of pregnancy: your baby is about five centimeters

We continue our journey through pregnancy week by week and arrive today at the week 11 of pregnancy, a wonderful moment in which we will use the term fetus to refer to the child we expect.

The embryo at 11 weeks of pregnancy

At 11 weeks pregnant The baby weighs approximately 8 grams and weighs between 4 and 6 centimeters. We will be able to see big changes from now on.

Their fingers are already separated, the membranes that joined them have disappeared. Although your head is still half of your body it is completely normal at this time. The ears are migrating to their final position and the little one can now open and close his hands.

The skin is very thin, so much that if we could peek inside our belly we could see through it. We would see their blood vessels, cartilage and organs in formation. Gradually the skin acquires more layers and will no longer be transparent.

The growth is very fast and the baby will double its weight in the next three weeks. Although we cannot feel it yet, the baby moves, it is a true acrobat who does not stop swimming, kicking and moving his whole body, even his head as his neck is lengthening.

Also, in the week 11 of pregnancy, the diaphragm develops and it is possible that it begins to have hiccups, something perfectly normal and that is considered to be a preparation for breathing outside the maternal body.

The mother in the 11th week of pregnancy

In some women, especially if they are short, thin, if they have a multiple pregnancy or if they have already been mothers before, a small tummy begins to be noticed, as a result of the increase in the size of the uterus. Others, more stuffed or tall, may take a little longer.

What is usual is that, when stabilizing hormonal levels, the first discomforts that may have caused us to go through the first few weeks in the form of nausea or dizziness cease.

However, there may begin to be some gastric discomforts that until now were minor: heartburn, gas and constipation. The best way to combat them is a healthy diet, with enough whole foods and vegetables, drink plenty of water and exercise moderately. Sleeping a bit and eating something soft helps to moderate heartburn, which can be very annoying. In the latter case it is convenient to consult the doctor if it is especially painful.

It can also happen, especially in women who are prone to migraines, which increase: fatigue, nerves, caffeine withdrawal and especially hormones could be the cause.

Many moms start looking for information to be prepared for childbirth and upbringing more intensely. It is a great idea to go to reliable internet spaces or to nearby parenting or nursing groups. The fact of being accompanied by worries and doubts is a great improvement in the emotional experience of pregnancy.

And it is normal that there are some emotional changes, feeling the mother especially sensitive and having a need to relieve tension with tears.

The weight gain will not have been very large in this first trimester, but if the blood volume has increased, it is usual for hair and skin to appear bright and healthy.

After our visit to the week 11 of pregnancy We continue our review and in a few days we will talk about what we can expect from now on.

Next Week: Week 12 of pregnancy

Video: 12 Weeks Pregnant: This Video Has Been Updated (July 2024).