Dads and moms blogs (CLXXVI)

As every week, we look at the blogosphere to discover what has been written in the moms and dads blogs in the last days.

It is one of the things we like the most, to get closer to the experiences, reflections and experiences of other parents in order to share it with our readers.

In the blog of Mother swallow I have found an idea of ​​the most original, to use the porting scarf to tie it to a table and turn it into a hammock. By the way, a hammock that inspires crops ... If you read the post you will see why.

A designer mom She has written a post, as she says something cheesy but precious with confusing thoughts of an imperfect mom. A balance of his two years as a mother who has made me drop a tear ... Every now and then the cursilería comes in handy.

Another reflection that I liked a lot, but more warrior, is what the author of Being a Mother An adventure!. In I think, you think ... we all think questions why when we become parents everyone believes they have the right to give us opinions on intimate matters such as how we should feed or make the child sleep. How right you are!

In A mother disaster I have come across a reality that many nursing mothers face that in a short time have to return to work and need to rethink routines. In Operation "unraveling" Lagorda tells us what he has in mind for everything is as traumatic as possible.

Now touch an ad. I love supporting entrepreneurial mothers who dare to make their hobby a way of life. Therefore, I invite you to visit the newly released handmade store that has launched A mom for two, first-time mother of premature twins.

And finally, we recommend that you take a tour of the blog My Philips world where you will find the solution to all your doubts about breastfeeding.

Video: Chef Mom vs. Chef Dad Challenge. Kids Try. HiHo Kids (July 2024).