Fish do not get wet is a project of integration, solidarity and standardization

The fish do not get wet It is a wonderful project that seeks to explain to young children what is down syndrome. And it does so with a work of association and creation in which twelve children, half of them with down syndrome, create six characters who give life with a great definition and detailed characterization and who also provide a context in the that develop and express themselves. The resulting work has no trace of inequality and all the characters develop globally. The experience collected during two years of work It is intended to be implemented as a way of working in schools with children developing similar experiences encouraging the integration of all students.

The project of The fish do not get wet He was recognized by the jury of the children's communication festival with El Chupete de Oro in the 2012 edition. The two years of work were recognized, the twelve incredible children of whom six of them have Down Syndrome and who demonstrated that they can work for equality and for the respect of all people.

The fish do not get wet It is an idea from The World Backwards for Invest for children with the special collaboration of the Alain Afflelou Foundation.

The Alain Afflelou Foundation, with six years of implementation in Spain, had the deference of inviting us to a presentation of the project. During the talk the Foundation explained that it has been involved as the sole official sponsor in The fish do not get wet, because the group of people with Down syndrome has, at a very high percentage, 75%, vision problems, which usually occur from an early age. Vision is the most important sense for any person since it provides more than 90% of the information that comes from abroad.

From the Foundation his spokeswoman Isabelle explained to us the commitment they have to help children with Down syndrome, and thus they have given away from July 1 to December 31, 2012 a pair of glasses of their well-known brand adapted to the graduation of each child with Down syndrome provided they were under 15 years old and whose parents requested it in their Optical Isabelle told us that they had reached the 800 glasses and that they intended to continue with the initiative. They are not the only solidarity initiatives carried out by the Foundation and they also work with the RACE in the dissemination of the use of driving glasses, carry out campaigns aimed at facilitating access to the first glasses of the youngest and are especially attentive to the collaboration with Down Spain in the dissemination of this project.

The current situation of the project The fish do not get wet It is to inform the microsite on the Internet with all the information of the project and they are especially working on the dissemination of educational material to carry out pedagogical activities that facilitate inclusion in schools.

From these pages on the Internet you can check all available information about the project in addition to that you can request a copy of the project for your children's school. In this pack, with a careful presentation, you can find a documentary of the project, a short film, the explanation of the initiative and educational material. At the moment the circulation has been of 1,000 units between the public school And with the arrival of the website, the project will reach many more schools, teachers and children.

He project is very exciting and its objectives are very clear: foster difference as value and mutual enrichment, become aware of the importance of the feeling of inclusion, question the vision of Down syndrome and especially foster creativity and cooperative learning among all.

Video: AERA 2019: Presidential Address: Amy Stuart Wells (July 2024).