Incredibox is a flash application to create rhythms easily and quickly

The music teacher of the school of the little one has taught them in class the application Incredibox. The objective was to make a musical composition using the possibilities offered by this great flash application and that allows to choose: rhythms, melodies, effects, choirs and voices in a very simple, fast and with spectacular results. They have been able to practice all the students on the digital board and have had a great time while doing their creations.

And the application is motivating for students and although the rhythms can also be sent and shared on the Internet in this case his talents were limited to staying between the four walls of the classroom. Incredibox is accessible through the Internet, works without prior registration, is a flash application, and allows you to create musical rhythms using sounds and vocal effects. It does so in a simple way like clicking and dragging the chosen musical element on the man that is seen in the image and that quickly develops it.

In the video that is on these lines you can see how the creative capacity of children can achieve surprising effects so you will not close any door to make compositions at home again and again until they come up with a good melody.

One of the things you have Internet is the facility to access tools which was impossible years ago or you had to make an extraordinary outlay. That ability to facilitate the creation is fantastic and our children can take advantage of it from their childhood, so we thank the music teacher for the discovery of this page and we encourage all the kids to start unleashing their talent and fantasy.

Video: Rapping Over a Video Game Beat! Incredibox (July 2024).