Fibromyalgia and CFS in children: the importance of diagnosis and allowing emotional expression

Today is the World Fibromyalgia Day and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and I wanted to draw attention to the fact that (although it is mistakenly believed so) is not a disease 'reserved' only for adults.

Both are part of a group of diseases that have a common denomination (Central Sensitization Diseases), and in addition to the physical manifestations that accompany them, they have marked psychological and emotional consequences. In both cases, getting an accurate diagnosis can be complicated, since the symptomatology is confused with other diseases, in addition to being emergent ailments, their study is surrounded by many difficulties. On the other hand, as we mentioned in this post, there is usually a biased approach towards 'the psychological' of its origin, some professionals reaching deny them, or hinder their recognition.

Let's talk about Fibromyalgia

Children who suffer from it alert about generalized muscle pain, which is usually of the 'deaf' type, although as we read in Kids Health, it sometimes becomes stabbing or throbbing. A series of painful points are located more frequently in the body of sick people, whose intensity increases when pressed (it should be remembered here that pain will never be associated with a healthy state, although to reach it there is pressure).

Fibromyalgia is chronic, although the associated symptoms may not manifest continuously. Fatigue, trouble sleeping, memory problems, anxiety, headaches... also part of the suffering of children or adults with fibromyalgia.

Even at the risk of reiterating, the most complex part when a child or adolescent is affected by fibromyalgia, is to find a health professional who knows how to recognize the symptoms, or who knows how to deal with diagnostic tests and subsequent treatment. If it is more complicated in the pediatric age it is because it is important to know how to control the symptoms, and this is easier with maturity

What about the treatments?

If a pediatrician knows what he is facing, he will indicate the need for healthy eating, regular physical activity and adequate sleep. Fibromyalgia has pain and stiffness, and in that sense pain relievers help relieve pain, but even if it is a prescription for those who do not need it, you should consult your doctor first.

If adults do well, children also: there are disciplines such as yoga and taichí that relieve the stress caused by constant pain; Massages and breathing exercises are also useful.

CFS: a disabling syndrome

In 2011, Pediatrics published a study of a medical team coordinated by Dr. Nijhof (doctor at the Wilhelmina Children's Hospital in Utrecht / The Netherlands). It estimated a prevalence of 111 adolescents per 100,000, with an annual incidence of 12 per 100,000 children. I made an approximation based on which one in 900 teenagers is susceptible to developing CFS. Therefore, although there is talk of a better recovery of minors compared to adults, it is still worrying.

It has physical and psychological or emotional components, which will derive among other things, in loss of interest in their usual activities, and difficulties in social relations. Like fibromyalgia, it affects more girls than boys.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States establish two medical criteria to facilitate diagnosis:

  • Unexplained fatigue lasting six months (or more), with no obvious cause. It is very difficult for those affected to get up and perform simple actions such as dressing, let alone going to the Institute, or performing activities that require more concentration such as playing an instrument. CFS does not improve by resting or sleeping.

  • If four or more of the following symptoms appear in combination with the above criteria, consult with the pediatrician:

  1. Short-term concentration and memory problems
  2. Sore throat
  3. Swollen lymph nodes and painful to touch
  4. Muscle pain
  5. Joint pain in the absence of inflammation or redness
  6. Headache stronger or different than usual
  7. Restful sleep (that is, not feeling rested even after sleeping)
  8. Tiredness or exhaustion that lasts more than 24 hours after exercising

A good diagnosis and the application of appropriate therapies will be necessary to achieve a better quality of life. But always remember that they are aspects to be determined by the pediatrician, although for this you have to consult several opinions. This entry is informative, and its main objective is draw attention to diseases that 20 years ago caused the irony of the environment, and today they are accompanied by misunderstanding and difficulties.

One or several causes?

They are believed to be multicausal diseases, and we have heard about the bodily response to certain events such as infections or injuries. There may also be genetic factors involved, and certain conditions related to the immune system (such as allergies) also count as possible causes. It has been investigated even on the hypotension that some people suffer from are Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ...

But I would like to remember that Robert Cabré, who has been studying the subject for several years, insists on considering as a cause exposure to pollutants, which has also been thoroughly investigated. At the same time he invites us to abandon the causality related to childhood traumas, which in the opinion of this professional turns out to be a most archaic concept.

Both in the case of fibromyalgia, as in chronic fatigue syndrome, it is very important attention to the expression of emotions, and make it easier for the child to come into contact with others with the same problem, without having to abandon the usual activities that he can perform. In order to fulfill this function, there are local or national associations to consult.

Video: Psychogenic Seizures What are They, How Can They be Diagnosed and Treated? (July 2024).