Time to eat with the baby: time to be relaxed and happy

The introduction of complementary feeding sometimes involves anxiety for parents, easily transmitted to children. Therefore It is advisable that lunchtime be one hour to be calm and relaxed. Now we will see some tips to get it.

It is clear that when we face the first porridge or scoops it is a new world for first-time parents, but remember, also for your baby. That is why we must put aside the rush (whenever possible), prepare the food in advance and do not wait until the child is hungry.

Let's not confuse "relax" with getting confused, since meal times are important: we have to be prepared for when the baby is hungry, to be able to sit quietly to feed them. Allow them time to experiment (we need a lot of patience for the first scoops).

Ideally, we sit with the child and encourage him to eat by telling him how good the food is, talking about what we are doing. Children continually learn about their surroundings, also at lunchtime, their knowledge of the world increases and broadens their understanding of vocabulary.

Whenever possible, let's feed the child with the rest of the family, preferably without television and with a healthy menu. It will not be too many months until the child begins to eat the same as the rest of the family and as always we should lead by example.

Offer the child adequate food for their age that he can take for himself and suck, "nibble", like fruit or bread ... You can try the "baby-led weaning" method, putting adequate food at your fingertips and letting the child choose and eat for himself.

Do not be afraid to introduce new foods, the variety is the taste and children have to try different flavors, even those that we do not like.

And don't worry about crumbs and stains. Often the bib is not enough to protect the clothes, and we can end up with the first porridge more than one.

Do not hurry at lunchtimeIt is better to start a little earlier if we have to leave, but it should be enough time.

Making food a time trial makes things not so easy and fun.

If the child refuses food or you notice it nervous, it may be worth waiting a bit or entertaining him with some game to see if he is encouraged to eat, but not force him because it could be worse and he will not feel like sitting next time to eat. We repeat the issue of patience, it is important that you do not abandon us.

At this age children continue to drink breast milk, continues to offer. You can also start offering water during the meal. If they do not breastfeed, you will notice that they ask for more water than before. In any case, avoid feeling thirsty, offer drinks more often than before introducing complementary feeding.

If the child is tired or sleepy, it may be better to postpone eating time and let him rest. Feeding a small nervous and irritable person can make the experience a spiral of discomfort, also for parents. And we go on looking for food to be a relaxed and happy moment. We hope that with these tips you will succeed.

Video: Happy Relaxing Music For Children - Relax Music For Kids (July 2024).