Nice reusable lunch bags for kids

If every time you wrap the morning snack for school you think about spending in aluminum foil, but you also don't think that any bag is suitable for lunch, here is the solution. I loved these reusable bags for children's snack, princesses and pirates.

The models are called Boc'n'Roll Kids Princess or Pirates and are made in four colors: pink, turquoise, red and blue. They replace disposable wrappers, they have an easy closure that fits any food of different sizes (sandwich, fruit ...).

It is very practical, light to carry without noticing in the backpack, it is machine washable and if deployed serves as a tablecloth. I have also seen less childish models and I am sure that more than one father or mother will also like them for snacks in the office ...

The original reusable lunch bags of kids Boc'n'Roll Kids cost 8'95 euros each and they are from Roll'Eat. A nice way to bring all the energy of sandwich and fruit in a unique wrap that keeps them in place until it is time for lunch or snack.

Official Site | Roll'eat
In Babies and more | Vegetables to accompany the snack of the kids, Bag for the personalized sandwich

Video: Kids Reusable Lunch Bag. Spoonflower (July 2024).