"Hidden in full light": violence against children can be avoided if we refuse to remain in the shade

Sometimes there is no choice but to show the data that for many people are uncomfortable, is the case of the violence against childrenPeople who, under different circumstances, are denied their rights, manipulated, and different types of abuse are exercised on them; without even having the ability to defend themselves.

Yesterday UNICEF presented the largest compilation of data on violence against children: the report is called “Hidden in full light” and shows the extent of physical, sexual and emotional abuse that girls and boys suffer worldwide.

If these situations are perpetuated, it is because adults still show attitudes to justify violence, keeping it hidden in full light

Anthony Lake (UNICEF Executive Director) says that violence against children is neither normal nor admissible; come from adults or other minors. It is estimated that in 2012, the number of children under 20 who were victims of homicide worldwide reached 95,000, which is equal to one in five total victims. These are global data, as is the fact that six of every 10 children aged two to 14 years had suffered corporal punishment at the hands of their caregivers.

As expected, sexual abuse is also included in this report, so around 120 million girls worldwide, have experienced sexual intercourse or other forced sexual acts. And it is also sad that in 28 of 60 countries with data for both sexes, more girls than boys are convinced that hitting a woman is justified, that is, they do not consider abuse a problem.

As I have already mentioned above, peer violence is also included in this new UNICEF report, since more than one in three students between 13 and 15 years worldwide suffer acts of bullying. On the other hand also a third of the 11 to 15 year old students from Europe and North America, they said they had bullied others.

Avoiding violence against children

UNICEF lists strategies for make it easier for society as a whole to avoid and reduce violence against children, these are:

  • Support parents and provide children with life skills.
  • Change attitudes
  • Strengthen judicial, criminal and social systems and services.
  • Generate evidence and awareness about violence and its human and socioeconomic costs to change attitudes and norms.

Violence against children occurs every day, everywhere. And while harming children as individuals, it also tears the social fabric, and undermines stability and progress. But violence against children not inevitable. It can be avoided if we refuse to let it remain in the shade.

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