Physical activity in children: it must be pleasant, varied and appropriate to its development

We know how positive it is encourage physical activity during childhood on a regular basisIn fact, the latest news we present in this regard is the increase in academic performance when the capacities related to these activities are enhanced.

Now we can have doubts about the most appropriate type of activity, and as a general rule, in this video of the Fundació Roger Torné, they recommend taking into account the factors age, level of development, natural abilities, and even the preferences of children.

According to the Center for Disease Control of the United States, it indicates that physical activity must be fundamentally development appropriate and nice. And variety is very important; This way we will have games, sports, recreation or regulated exercises.

In children and adolescents there are hardly any inconveniences, although it is true that in this post about the most appropriate sport, we found that perhaps boxing and bodybuilding are inappropriate for children, and may also pose some risk.

It is important until age 13 enhance psychomotor qualities; and between five and 12, it is recommended that they practice activities of moderate intensity that are related to coordination.

Finally, the video recommends one hour a day, three days a week (although remember that recently the AEP suggested that five days better). And remember that with young children competitive sports and with an excess of rules are not the most appropriate.

Source | Fundació Roger Torné's channel on YouTube En Peques y Más | If your child does physical activity, he will continue to do so as an adult, and can prevent chronic diseases

Video: Exercise for Children - Factual Reasons and Tips To Get Moving (July 2024).