The prevalence of overweight decreases among children aged seven and eight

Yesterday, the preliminary results of the new Aladino study (corresponding to the 2013 period) prepared by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality were presented.

According to ministerial sources, a downward trend is observed, with a decrease of more than two points in the prevalence of excess weight in school children aged seven and eight.

And that is good news, if we talk about comparative data regarding the previous Aladdin study. However, coinciding with studies by the Thao Foundation, it is noted that the prevalence of excess weight remains high, although the trend seems to be descending.

So, we will wait for the presentation of the full report to present the results and analyze them

The news was given during the VIII Edition of the NAOS Convention, and the awards ceremony of the same name, which reward initiatives to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent obesity, especially in children.

The prevalence of childhood obesity is reduced

From 19.1 percent in 2011 to 18.4 percent in 2013 (among children aged seven and eight). The figures are still high, but with the data in hand, it is seen that the efforts being made from various public and private institutions, begin to bear fruit.

The new Aladdin study tells us that overweight occurs more in girls, compared to obesity that is more observed in boys

Similarly, some of the determining factors of excess weight in the child population are confirmed: passive leisure (television, computers, video games ...) and the absence of the breakfast habit seem to be associated with the presence of overweight and obesity.

These data will also be present in the results of the ENALIA Survey on habits of life and food, prepared by the same Ministry.

What is clear (and is a point of consensus among all of us who are concerned about the issue) is that it is important to promote small changes in children's habits, instilling a healthy and active lifestyle.

I would also like to announce that since the Gobierto The “Activate Movement” campaign will be launched later this year, aimed at teenagers from 13 to 17 years old.

Video: The Childhood Obesity Epidemic (July 2024).