Five things we should learn from children

When we become parents, we believe that we are the ones who have many things to teach our children, but reality shows us that they end up being the ones who teach us the most about life.

If you think that a child has nothing to teach you, you are completely wrong. We tell you at least five things we should learn from children.

Ask questions

Children are specialists in asking questions. They want to know everything, they are eager to learn and know everything about the world around them. They have no qualms about asking why? hundreds of times to quench your curiosity.

As adults we are not going to ask why? to infinity, but we can exercise our ability to ask, to question ourselves about things, people and what surrounds us. Be curious not bad, on the contrary, It is a tool to stimulate creativity.

Live the moment

Have you seen the ability of children to forget everything and fully enjoy what they are doing? Well, that is another lesson that we adults should learn from them.

Forget the worries, the purchase, what you have to do in an hour or tomorrow. To be abstracted, with the same intensity with which children do it, is the key to really enjoying.

Playing with your children can be a good exercise to put it into practice. Turn off the TV, mobile and for a while focus only on playing with them. You will discover that focusing on an activity and living in that moment makes the experiences more authentic.

Let everything amaze you

That capacity of astonishment that children have does not have to be lost over the years. Recover it and look again at everything with a child's look.

Learn to look at things as if you saw them for the first time. Be amazed by the beauty of a sunset, the shape of the leaves or a row of ants drawing a path. It is an exercise that you can also start doing today.

We believe that we have already seen everything and that few things can already disguise us, but even the smallest things can surprise us if we allow ourselves to look at them with other eyes.

Face situations without fear

Well, this lesson seems impossible. We are already old people, serious responsible, fathers and mothers, it is normal to be cautious ... Or not?

That share of unconsciousness That children have is a wonderful thing. It is the engine that encourages them to do crazy things without thinking about the consequences, to embark on adventures without fear, even if they may be wrong.

We adults have a lot to learn from this behavior. Launch, unlock, cheer up. The damages that we have accumulated over the years are destructive of creativity. Take things less seriously and launch new projects without fear.

To play

The game is not exclusive to the little ones. Everyone can and should play at least a while a day, and I don't talk about games on mobile.

Adults should recover the game as part of our lives. The game relaxes tensions, distends and makes us forget the problems.

Parents do not have excuses, we have at home our little ones full of energy ready to share hours of play with us, an activity that you should not stop doing together. In addition, you will discover how through the game you can get to know your child better.

These are just five things we should learn from children, but surely there are many more lessons they can give us. Can you think of more things we can learn from them?

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