They warn about the use of ultrasound and fetal monitors for non-medical reasons

In recent years it has become fashionable to have ultrasound in 4D and thus keep a precious memory of the baby inside the belly, even devices for making ultrasound at home or monitors have been put on sale to listen to the heartbeat of the child.

You should know that the FDA, United States Food and Drug Administration, has warned about the use of ultrasound and fetal monitors for non-medical reasonsWell, an uncontrolled exposure could pose a risk to the baby and his mother.

They clarify that devices for performing fetal ultrasound or Doppler heart rate monitors are medical prescription devices designed for use by trained health professionals.

With this he wants to warn about some companies that appealing to the sentimental value that it has for the parents, use this technology to make reproductions in real size of the baby or photographs of how it will be in the future and other memories that do not make any sense as cushions, pendants or cups with the ultrasound image of the baby.

According to Dr. Vaezy, ultrasound can slightly heat the tissues and could create tiny bubbles, called cavitation, in any of the unborn babies. Because the long-term effects of tissue warming and cavitation are unknown, the FDA encourages the use of ultrasonography only when there is a medical need, backed by a recipe and by properly trained technicians.

In the medical consultation the ultrasound is very short and is controlled by a specialized doctor. But souvenir videos may expose the baby for too long and not knowing exactly how it could affect him, they have preferred warn about the use of ultrasound and fetal monitors when there is no medical reason.