Mother of three children says that since she smokes marijuana she is a better mother

Being a mother is not always easy, or it is not for everyone, because there are people with more abilities, more patience or more "art" when it comes to organizing. If you are not the mother of only one child, but you have three, the equation can be complicated to the point of looking for a solution.

This is what Lea Grover did, a mother of two twin girls and a smaller third, who writes books about maternity, who one day, being nervous, decided to smoke pot and noticed that everything was easier. As a result of that moment, it usually consumes and not only that, He has written in Cosmopolitan his story stating that since he smokes marijuana he is a better mother.

When it all started

According to Cosmopolitan, he was alone at home with his two 1-year-old twins. I was exhausted. One was crying and did not know why. The other laughed and, for some reason, that combination made him feel even worse. He went to the sink and did what he had not done for eleven years, giving two puffs to a pot of marijuana that, he says, it is enough for her to feel and its effects.

When he returned to change the girls' diapers, he noticed that something had changed. He had always noticed that with marijuana he was more empathetic, and when he was with his babies he noticed that it helped him. When one of her daughters complained, she immediately understood that she was uncomfortable with the diaper, so she changed him and the girl changed her mood. Apparently, always run with the diaper so that the pee does not escape between one diaper and another. But after smoking I was no longer in such a hurry. The girl got away and she simply cleaned it:

And what if she pees? She's happy! It is a wooden floor and I have a WetJet!

At that moment he realized that I was a better mother if I smoked before.

He only smokes when he is with his daughters

As he says, avoid relying on marijuana because you get very nervous if you feel that others will notice that you have smoked. Also, he doesn't do it if he has to drive. But if he is going to spend the day with his daughters at home, then yes. If she is going to be alone with the girls, she does smoke.

He has more patience with marijuana, takes longer to get frustrated and angry and is able to see the world through his daughters' eyes, remembering how difficult it is to be a small child, unable to understand the things that are logical for children. Adults. With this ability to empathize, he says, "We all have a better day".

Where he lives, marijuana is illegal

Lea lives in Chicago, where marijuana is illegal unless the amount you carry is minimal. As she knows that she immediately notices the effects, she is not afraid of anything happening because she always uses a small amount. Further, He doesn't smoke in front of his daughters nor will it, because he wants them to make their own decisions in the future.

At least, it doesn't take anxiolytics

He justifies his way of acting on the anxiety and stress generated by taking care of three young girls, something that suffers a large number of people who are fathers and mothers and take care of their children. The difference, he explains, is that she doesn't take anxiolytics like alprazolam, but smokes pot because "It has no rare side effects or causes addiction".

In addition, he only resorts to it if the day has been very hard, when the situation becomes already unsustainable and the girls are arguing for the umpteenth time in a few minutes. Then it disappears 30 seconds and returns to control the situation more calmly: "with a smile, nothing less".

Your daughters deserve the best possible mother

Finally, in his writing, he explains that he does it because he knows that smoking is a better mother for them and that his daughters deserve the best possible mother.

In addition, in one of his books he maintains that "Anything that can make you a better mother is a good way to raise".

And how about looking for help?

And I don't say it because I'm addicted, in detoxification program plan. It is that although it says that it has no side effects or creates dependency she has already demonstrated with her words that is totally dependent. She has created an alternative version of herself, controlled by marijuana, without which she no longer feels able to take care of her daughters. Imagine his face, his anxiety, his nerves and his excitement the day he goes to the sink for his 30 seconds of calm and see that he has nothing left to smoke.

You need someone to help you empathize, to understand why girls cry, suffer, argue and fight and handle it. Someone who gives you the tools you don't have to manage those moments, that time when your mind crashes and you don't know what to do.

Caring for three young girls requires having 100% powers. It can't be that the girls are quarreling and she arrives smiling. It can't be that a girl falls or gets hurt, maybe something serious, and she takes it easy.

And, as I say, he writes books, and some are maternity. It won't be me who buys or reads one of those books.

I also have three children and they also have moments when you don't know where to put them (or where to put them), but it works a lot to know that they are moments that have just happened and to be clear about something that is very important: they are children, the kids do those things, they will not do the rest of their lives, and you are there to mediate when necessary, with greater or lesser success but, if it can be, with your full faculties. It cannot be that he decides not to smoke to drive and does so to take care of his daughters.

So at least I see it. What do you think?

Video: Babysitters Arrested Over Snapchat Video Showing Kids Smoking Marijuana: Cops (July 2024).