Simple chicken and rabbit paella. Family recipe

Paella is probably one of the most familiar dishes in our country. In many houses, families gather around this traditional dish, and that day the father, brother-in-law or any other member of the house cooks trying to prove their skills as kitchens. To facilitate the task to those who do not master this recipe, today we are going to teach you how to prepare a simple chicken and rabbit paella That will make you look like kings next time.

To be respectful with the traditional recipe of Valencian paella, we will use chicken and rabbit for this recipe, but another day, if you want you can cheer up with the recipe for vegetable paella or with another traditional rice that you want.

Ingredients for 6 people

  • 700 g of pumpkin rice, 1 clove of garlic, 1/2 chicken, 1/4 of rabbit, 1/4 kilo of green beans, 1 green pepper, 1 very ripe tomato, salt, paprika, saffron and if you can get them, 15 -20 flat white beans (garrofó), water or chicken broth

How to make a simple chicken and rabbit paella

We start preparing a sauce for which, the garlic clove, the very chopped pepper, the chicken, the rabbit, the beans, and the garrofo are sauteed in abundant oil, seasoning everything with a couple of pinches of salt.

Add half a teaspoon of paprika and the tomato cut into very small pieces, sautéing everything until the pieces of meat take color. The usual is add the water at that time and let it simmer for 15 minutes to get a tasty broth in which the rice will be cooked later. You have to calculate that after cooking you have approximately three times the volume of rice so that the paella remains in place.

If instead of water you are going to use chicken broth that you have prepared in advance, then you can add the rice with the saffron, spreading it over the ingredients and then add the broth, (measuring three times the volume of rice used). Once it starts to cook, you have to leave the paella without stirring more than once in a while shaking grabbing the handles.

Whether with water or broth, the rice should be cooked for about 18 to 20 minutes, the usual thing being that the first 8 cook over high heat and then another 8 or 10 over a slow fire. Once that time had elapsed, even if some liquid had been left in the paella, turn off the heat and cover with a dishcloth, letting it rest another ten minutes before serving it.

Processing time | 60 minutes
Difficulty | Half


To enjoy a good chicken and rabbit paella, it is best to have many friends and family with whom to share it since this recipe is richer when taken in company. Paella will please young and old and surely with this recipe, you will succeed.

Video: How To Make Spanish Paella. Omar Allibhoy (July 2024).