The parents decided to disconnect their sick baby and the inexplicable happened: he struggled to live

It is always nice to hear, among all the horrible news that happens every day, that which gives a little hope and makes you feel better, and more if we talk about a baby who struggled to live so intensely that he broke with all the Schemes

It is the case of a baby who shortly after birth contracted meningitis, a brain infection that left you in a very fragile situation. So much so that a brain scanner eventually ruled that the baby was still alive thanks to the devices, but that his brain was already dead. The parents had to make the hard but logical decision of disconnect the machines and the inexplicable happened: the baby fought so hard that he started breathing.

Harrison Ellmer is already three years old

The baby's name is Harrison Ellmer and he fell ill in January 2013, when his parents had barely begun to enjoy him or get used to that of being one more. Admitted to the hospital, full of tubes, probes, cannulas and medication, he came to the point of being considered "clinically dead."

Once disconnected, they expected Harrison to leave little by little and what nobody expected happened: started breathing for himself. This puzzled everyone and obviously caused the doctors to turn back on him.

"He will not speak or walk"

Joy infected everyone, but doctors warned parents that they would probably never walk or talk. It was not pleasant news, but they were so grateful that he was still alive that every day they took it as a gift.

But road, and they couldn't believe it, just as they were surprised when they too starts to talk. Moreover, it has been progressing just like any child, to the point that no one would say that once, doctors took him for dead.

The children, those little heroes

Yesterday was World Premature Day and on that day visibility is given to premature babies, for what fighters they become, surviving many above logic. Harrison's case is not the same, because it is not premature, but similar because challenged medicine and not only did he survive, but he has come forward as a normal child. Parents say that they have a little deafness in one ear and a slight paralysis on one side, but that is not visible to the naked eye. Bravo Harrison!

Video: When Someone You Love Dies,There Is No Such Thing as Moving On. Kelley Lynn. TEDxAdelphiUniversity (July 2024).