They cannot be taken away from you: the rights of children counted by children

Today November 20 is the Universal Children's Day, a date that, for the United Nations that recommended this celebration, must be dedicated to fraternity and understanding among the children of the entire world and destined to own activities to promote the well-being of the children of the world.

Two November 20 saw the United Nations Assembly approve the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (in 1959) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (in 1989) and today we stop at those Children's rights, counted by children, in a very graphic video.

Remember that, although sometimes we are in a bubble of well-being, children are the most vulnerable group and therefore suffer the most from the crises and problems of the world. Recently we are being hit by the harsh reality of refugee children in Europe, but there are many other realities, more or less close, in which children's rights are violated.

In this video we see that all the children of the world have the right to freedom against discrimination, right to family, right to understanding, love, identity, education, housing, protection against war, freedom against exploitation, child labor, health, gambling and self-expression ...

It's about a video of SOS Children's Villages, an international non-governmental organization specializing in childcare based on a family model, for those children who are at risk for losing their parents or because parents cannot take care of them.

As a member of Unesco and with a presence in the UN Economic and Social Council, Children's Villages wants to remind those who are deprived of care, care, food and other basic needs that correspond to them. Although the video is from a couple of years ago (54 years have not passed, but 56 years of the Bill of Rights).

Everywhere in the world, with no expiration date because there is still much to do, this World Children's Day remember that all children have rights and we can get them to grow in a better environment, to have a better future, without denying them those rights, protecting them. Some rights that they themselves claim, as we see in this video: because they cannot be taken away.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | I want to be loved, isn't it what all children want? (video), Video: children's rights, #pontenmilugar: this violates children's rights in everyday situations

Video: Couple Are Addicted To Having Children. 17 Kids And Counting Full Documentary. Real Families (July 2024).