Dr. Hamilton says he has a method to calm crying babies. We show you

It is not necessary to say here that crying of a baby is one of the worst sounds of nature and is that it is made so that it is heard, so that it bothers us and we pay attention to the baby and we do not pass by or we remain enraptured watching without doing anything, for that they already have the rest of noises and grimaces.

Much has been said about the crying of the baby, liters of ink and entire forests have been cut down to write the books with miraculous methods so that babies do not cry. Today we have one more, that of Dr. Hamilton who says he has a method to calm crying babies. We show you.

If the methods to make a baby calm down and stop crying have something in common, they work with all babies except yours. And if you find the method that works with a child, it is likely that the next will not pay attention. For example, with the greatest of mine, it worked to walk him on the run or put him in the car and take him around the area with more bumps than you found. The second was like carrying a packet of nitroglycerin, if you stirred it too much there was spree.

I suppose that each one of you will have a method that more or less works for you and if it is not so, here we leave the method of Dr. Hamilton, we do not know if it will work for you but it does not seem an aggressive method for the baby and we understand that Once calm we can always put it on our lap to stay all calm.

If anyone tries it, mine is that they are already a little weight, let us know and tell us their experience.

Video: How To Calm A Crying Baby - Dr. Robert Hamilton Demonstrates "The Hold" Official (July 2024).