Dear Magi, we want to have a baby: what you need to know so that your wish comes true

These days, the magic of Christmas floods us, and not just the little ones. A new year has begun and we wish for the coming months. Among them, it may be around to be parents for the first time or repeat the experience if you have already released.

If your letter this year begins Dear Three Kings: we want to have a baby, we tell you how you have to prepare for the dream to come true.

A previous visit to the doctor

Half of the women are unaware of the importance of the preconception visit, but going to the doctor to tell you that you are planning to get pregnant is a recommended step to avoid risks, and essential if you suffer from a chronic disease such as diabetes, epilepsy, heart disease, thyroid ...

The preconception visit serves to make a assessment of general health status, identify risk factors in the couple that can complicate pregnancy, advise on healthy habits, review the vaccination status of the future mother (especially against rubella, as it is a disease that if contracted in the first months of pregnancy it can cause abortions and important alterations in your baby), the medical history ...

In Babies and more If you are looking for a pregnancy, try to have sex more than once tonight

The doctor will recommend a vitamin supplement, among them folic acid, an essential vitamin, essential to prevent neural tube defects, from which the nervous system originates. An abnormality in the formation of the neural tube, which occurs in the first 25 days of pregnancy, such as not closing completely, can cause defects in the brain and spinal cord. Therefore, you should start taking it at least three months before becoming pregnant, to make sure that your body has the necessary reserves.

It will also tell you to take an iodine supplement, essential for the growth of organs and brain development of the baby.

Start taking care of yourself now

Taking care of yourself in pregnancy is important, but it is desirable to lead a healthy lifestyle as a way of life, even before becoming pregnant. Y not only should women take care of themselves, but also men.

A balanced diet, the practice of exercise and eliminate harmful habits such as tobacco, drugs and alcohol are practices that you should both put into practice.

Recognize your fertile days

Once you are on the search, the best part is to play: search for pregnancy. To achieve this, it is essential that women know how to recognize their fertile days, that is, those days of the month in which they can conceive. If you make love on non-fertile days, it will be fun, but you won't get it.

A regular menstrual cycle It has an average duration of 28 days from the first day of menstruation, but it is considered normal to last between 21 and 35 days. The central 6-7 days of the cycle are your fertile days (on day 14, plus the previous 3 days and the next 3 days). If you have sex during these days and a sperm fertilizes the egg and it adheres to the walls of the uterus, it will start a pregnancy.

Not all women have the period every 28 days. There are those who have longer cycles, in which ovulation occurs after day 14 and others with shorter cycles in which ovulation is advanced.

Keeping track of your menstrual cycles is a tool that will help you, in either case, to identify your periods of maximum fertility, combined with the control of ovulation signs such as basal temperature (syothermal method) and observation of vaginal discharge.

The most fun: practice and practice

How many times do you have to make love to get pregnant? There is a study that ensures that you have to make love an average of 104 times to conceive a baby, but of course, it is only a statistic. There are those who are the first and who need many more.

The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends that to raise the chances of having a child, the Optimal withdrawal time is between 2 and 7 days, but more and more studies guarantee sexual intercourse on a daily basis, since frequent ejaculations increase semen quality and fertility by reducing damage and mutations in your DNA.

The most recommended sexual positions to achieve pregnancy are those in which penetration is deeper, such as that of the missionary (the man above the woman), that of the prayer (the man behind or above the woman) and lying on his side with the man behind the woman.

As to the frequency in relationships according to the sex of the baby, although it is not infallible there are some recommendations. In the case of girls, sexual intercourse should be maintained up to 48 hours before ovulation and then be interrupted, while in the case of boys they should be maintained at the time closest to ovulation.

In Babies and more How to get pregnant: methods and tips

A widespread technique that we do not know if it works, but with trying you do not lose anything is to lie with your legs raised after intercourse, which we talked about at the time.

When pregnancy does not arrive

If despite all the care and practice the pregnancy does not arrive, do not despair. It may even happen that you already have a child and the second late to arrive, or the third. Sometimes the delay can become very agonizing, because it disappoints, wearing out the couple, but it is better not to become obsessed and, if necessary, seek advice from a specialist.

If the woman is under 35 years old, up to one year of having unprotected sex on a regular basis is considered to be a normal period to achieve conceive. In the case of women over 35, after 6 months of attempts it is recommended to ask for help to rule out any problem.

Video: The Wish Fulfilling Mantra - Make Your Any Wish Come true (May 2024).