Avoid the most common household accidents for your baby

When there is a baby at home, all prevention is little. One of the things to do when you have a baby is adapt the house and make it safer, especially after six months of age, which is when they begin to grab objects, crawl and move discovering the world through their senses.

Following some simple advice and having our little guarded at all times, we will avoid accidents and small domestic dislikes.

One of the first things we have to do in our home is plug the plugs that remain at your height with plastic protectors, hide and remove all cables that remain in sight and place corners in the low furniture of the living room, bathroom and rooms, to avoid blows in the edges.

Prevention in the kitchen

In the kitchen, it is important to be careful not to leave cleaning products or medications within your reach. One of the best solutions is to place safety locks on the drawers and doors of the kitchen and bathroom furniture, something that will save us more than a dislike and that will prevent your small hands from handling dangerous products such as scissors, knives, sewing utensils ...

If we have stairs at home it will make our life much easier to place a barrier to prevent our son from falling without us noticing.

We must also have watch out for the doors so you don't catch your fingers when you close them. To do this, bumpers and protectors are placed that prevent the door from closing completely. In some cases, it is advisable to line the corners of the radiators if they are dangerous, especially in our child's room.

Once they start walking, the dangers are multiplied by our son's exploratory instinct. Therefore, we must take into account not to place chairs near the windows or on the balcony, in addition to watching the window closures well.

In the kitchen, it is important to always place the handles of the pans inwards, to avoid protruding from the kitchen and can reach them a small child.

Monitored at all times

In general, and if we have our little one closely watched, we will avoid many scares. If we need to cook, for example, we can place it on your high chair or in a hammock, so that it is safe and we have it in sight at all times.

A good example of this is the Polly Magic high chair, an evolutionary product that becomes a hammock, a high chair and a chair, and that is valid for babies from 0 months to 3 years old children. As a hammock it has a reducer to welcome the newborn and an arc of games With dolls so you are comfortable and entertaining. The backrest reclines in three different positions, in case you end up taking a nap while cooking or doing any other activity.

Also in your room we will have to take into account a series of security measures, such as placing the mattress in your crib in the lowest possible position and do not leave toys, mobiles or ropes of any kind (such as the pacifier chain) within your reach while you are sleeping.

With these basic tips we will get an accident-proof house for our baby.

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Photos | iStock.com/AGrigorjeva / Aynur_sib / JackF

Video: Preventing the 5 Most Fatal Home Accidents (July 2024).