It is no use lying with your legs elevated after intercourse to achieve pregnancy, according to new research

When implementing small tricks that can facilitate conception, this is undoubtedly one of the most recommended. Many women use the technique of lie flat with legs raised after intercourse to favor the sperm path to the fallopian tubes and thus achieve pregnancy.

Many couples will have believed that this was the secret of their success, but new research throws it away. it's no use. If you have become pregnant nothing has to do with the posture you have adopted after having sex.

Theory was not bad

That the woman remains lying would give the sperm time to reach her destination, where the egg is waiting. This technique has also been applied to intrauterine insemination. The theory is not far fetched, since when getting up it gives the feeling that the semen drains. When we talk about this trick a while ago we mentioned that there are even professionals who recommend it, some talk about minutes, others half an hour in the same position.

There are even small studies that supported this theory (two in 2009 and another in 2015) that stated that 15 minutes of bed rest improved the success rates of intrauterine insemination, leading to more pregnancies.

But it does not influence pregnancy rates

But a new larger research, conducted by scientists at the University of the VU Medical Center in Amsterdam with 479 women undergoing intrautierine insemination, has found that lying down after sex does not influence pregnancy success rates.

Data were collected around two thousand insemination cycles. Among women who took rest, in 32 percent of the cycles there was pregnancy, while among those who moved after insemination, in 40 percent of the cycles. With which, subsequent immobilization would make no sense.

18 cm travel

It is known that sperm can live in the uterus up to 48 or 72 hours after being expelled. No one would stay all that time with their legs raised and anyway, when you get up, most of the semen will fall off.

The sperm have about 18 cm of way from when they are expelled until they reach the ovule, a course full of obstacles in which the seminal fluid that surrounds them allows them to maintain an adequate level of acidity for their survival. Only 1% of sperm that reach the cervix get to the uterus. On the other hand, contractions of the uterus and fallopian tubes produced during woman's ovulation attract sperm and make it easier for them to reach the ovum.

Also, scientists mention something that not everyone knows. The illustrations usually represent the female genital system as if the vagina and uterus were aligned, but the truth is that the uterus is slightly tilted forward at an angle to the vagina (in anteversion). As if they formed a letter "q".

Therefore, it seems, there is no need to adopt unusual positions for fertilization to occur, since the woman's body knows what she has to do regardless of whether she remains lying or not after intercourse.

Even so (and it is not to contradict the scientists), there is nothing wrong with trying. At the end of the day it is only 5-10 minutes and has no medical contraindication.

Video: Triple Your Chances of Getting Pregnant? (July 2024).