A mother shows the world the worms she found in the artificial milk bottle for her 3-month-old baby

Yesterday we published an entry explaining that artificial milk is not sterile, and that therefore it is advisable to bring the water to a boil to know that it is at 100 degrees, and from there calculate the appropriate time to make the mixture to a temperature between 70 and 90 ° C, in order to provide heat to the powder and thus eliminate a large part of the microorganisms, and perhaps pathogens, that it may contain.

Following this post I learned the story of Stephanie Guzman, a mother who shared photos and a video of Facebook a week ago the worms he found in the artificial milk canister with which he feeds his baby for three months.

Worms in the Similac infant formula

In an update on the status of her Facebook, the mother wanted to notify what she had found to avoid the same thing happening to other families. As he explained, he has been feeding his baby with infant formula Similac Sensitive since he was born in June of this year. On Friday 16 he went to Wallmart to buy a boat, and it was last Monday, a week ago, when he needed it and opened for the first time.

He prepared a bottle with the powder of the milk bottle in his car and, while shaking it, he realized that there was something in the bottle: a worm. Surprised and incredulous, she told herself that it could not be and chose to prepare another bottle just in case, but the result was the same, in that second bottle she also saw at least one worm.

Then he decided to check the dust directly and saw another one. Already at home, ready to see how far the tragedy went, he checked all the powdered milk in the can. Counted three more worms.

Frightened, she called her pediatrician, who told her that if she had consumed any in a previous bottle she was calm, that stomach acids would have killed them without problem, but decided to share and disseminate equally to notify other parents. Today your status has already been shared more 215 thousand times and the video of the worms (you have it below) has more than 12 million views.

How is it possible that there are worms in artificial milk?

That's what I wonder, but it's not the first time that happens. I imagine that at some point in the production (who knows if in the same cans) there were worm eggs and when they were left with powdered milk they took the opportunity to feed and grow.

On this occasion the mother had it easy, because the worms are seen with the naked eye. In this case, once the bottle is prepared, you avoid giving it to your baby, you get in touch with the brand, and it removes the lot in question to prevent another family from being scared.

On other occasions, like what we explained yesterday, "bugs" are not seen and are actually more dangerous than worms. The most common and dangerous that can be found are the Cronobacter sakazakii and the Salmonella, although it can also be found in dust Enterobacter agglomerans, Enterobacter cloacae, Enterobacter sakazakii Y Klebsiella pneumoniae.

As I said in the aforementioned post, the risk of a serious infection happening is low, and is more dangerous in premature babies, born with low weight or immunosuppressed. But that the risk of getting sick from consuming powdered milk is low does not mean that it is null, and that is why the WHO, the English NHS and the American CDC recommend preparing the bottles as I explained yesterday: with water at between 70 and 90ºC.

Video: Nestle Nan Pro VS Lactogen. Best Infant Milk Formula Best Baby Formula Milk. Nan Pro 1 Review (July 2024).