Teachers who "come out of the closet" and directors who match gender identity and fanaticism, are we educating in equality?

More and more teachers are considering “leaving the closet” to support LGTBI students who come to their centers with their decision. Because educational centers are not free of homophobia today and this is a pedagogical commitment, according to the teachers themselves, to eliminate prejudices and mitigate homophobia.

While this happens in some centers, we find the letter sent by the director of a concerted school to the parents of the students speaking in similar terms of gender identity and terrorism.

The controversy is on the table and our children are its main protagonists. Teachers who "come out of the closet" and directors who match gender identity and fanaticism, are we educating in equality?

Some of the teachers of the educational centers of our country have concluded that openly recognizing their sexual identity is a pedagogical bet that goes beyond a personal need or the simple fact of becoming visible.

They go further and consider the need to fill in the contents of the gaps that the curricula on sexual affective diversity suffer precisely to support LGTBI students studying in their centers with their example.

The personal is political

This former feminist motto that states that "the personal is political" has been made by different teachers in different educational centers of the national territory to help those students who because of their sexual condition feel pressured, rejected or excluded by their own classmates.

They also intend to go one step further and fill in the content gap that exists in the curricula on the subject of sexual affective diversity.

A void that makes boys and girls grow up without referents to look at and with whom they feel “accompanied”. Talk about Lorca in literature or in history and point out that he was murdered among other things because of his homosexual status, contextualize without silencing.

The teachers who have taken this step forward and have decided to “get out of the closet” also face the machismo and homophobia that exists between the group itself and among the students' families but have valued more the fact that The more you work and normalize in the classrooms, the more homophobia in the centers will decrease.

It is clear that in private and concerted centers, this recognition is much more complicated and in some cases it can lead to the loss of the job so it does not normally occur by the teaching staff.

The other end

A letter of welcome to the parents of the students in which the gender identity law related to the government of the Popular Party of the Community of Madrid was sent was sent from a concerted center of the Community of Madrid just a few days ago , with terrorist fanaticism.

The author of this letter was the director of the Juan Pablo II school in Alcorcón, Madrid. A center that separates students by sex and that addresses the families of the students in their welcome letter at the beginning of the school year.

From the education counseling they have already contacted the center and are trying to understand the reasons that prompted the director of the school to address in these terms the parents of the students as well as the educational line of the same, since we are talking of a concerted center financed with public money.

The lines of action are completely different from those of some teachers and that of a principal, as parents we are the ones who make the decision of how we want our children to be educated.

Video: Teachers Who Got FIRED (July 2024).