When mom arrives because her daughters are very quiet and discovers the cake

There is a saying related to motherhood and fatherhood that says "When they are silent, run". And it is that when they are silent it is when they are exploring, investigating and, consequently, doing all those things that normally require the intervention of an adult.

And if not, tell this mother, who came with the camera to the room, after night, as if knowing that she would find something impressive, and did not fail: she discovered them with her hands in the dough. Or rather, with your hands in the cream.

The funny thing is the absence of reaction in the mother, who only enough to let out a sigh while trying to understand why they have done that, and try to figure out how to fix it.

Baby cream, paste to the water (view the consistency), from which it is difficult to remove from the babies' ass, on the floor, in the hands of the architect of the treatment and in the face, hair and clothes of the smallest.

That is another, incredible how solicitous are the little ones, who let themselves do everything, like this little brother who let himself be smeared with peanut butter. They are the perfect accomplices of his brothers, Do not you think?

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