A dance with six centimeters of dilation is marked to mitigate the pain of contractions

A good advice, in addition to fun if the body allows it, is to dance between contractions to induce labor. The movements of the mother help the baby to descend with its own weight and helps soften the cervix to cause birth.

This mother thought it was a good idea. mark a dance between contractions, with 6 cm dilation, which help her get distracted and mitigate the pain.

We see that he wears underwear with a compress, since the amniotic bag had already broken spontaneously and does not need to be immobilized, because the baby was being monitored wirelessly.

Freedom of movement is one of the practices recommended in the humanized birth care guidelines. Being able to move freely, either wandering around the room, swinging the pelvis, using the fitness ball, or dancing, like here, helps the future mother to face the painful sensation and relax during the birth process.

Recall that the dilation phase begins at the time when labor begins and in turn is divided into two subphases. The early or latent phase, characterized by more or less variable contractions in intensity and duration and are accompanied by cervical erasure and slow progression until reaching 4 cm dilatation. Y the active dilation phase, in which this mother is, faster than the previous one, in which the regularity, intensity and frequency of the contractions increases until reaching 10 cm of dilatation or complete dilatation.

There are many mothers who have the courage to dance at that special moment, and apparently it works. Some dance Thriller, while others prefer Justin Bieber, like this mother who went into labor 4 hours after marking the dance.

How do you see yourself marking a dance before welcoming your baby?