How does our way of dressing change after becoming mothers?

With the arrival of children, our life goes through many changes. It could be said that almost every aspect of our day to day changes noticeably once motherhood is part of our day to day. One of the things that even changes before the baby is born, is the way women dress.

In addition to the obvious changes in our body, Are there other reasons or reasons why women change our way of dressing after becoming mothers? I share what I think and the results of a survey on this topic.

Women's clothing: a constant evolution

Actually, changes in the way of dressing are progressing according to age and stage in our lives. When we are girls it is common to wear blouses with cute drawings or our favorite character, as well as wearing hairstyles with small braids or a pair of pigtails. As we grow, the way we dress evolves.

Once we are teenagers, we no longer have ties as in childhood, for example. Or when we are adults and work in an office, we say goodbye to casual clothes and choose garments according to the place we attend. These changes continue to occur throughout our lives, and when the time comes to become mothers is no exception.

First changes: pregnancy and postpartum

During pregnancy our body goes through a series of changes that make us realize that things will no longer be as before. Although the first months do not need to change our wardrobe, with the passing of the weeks and the inevitable increase of our belly, we are making gradual adjustments: we look for more comfortable shoes and less tight clothes According to our needs.

After the arrival of the baby, many women continue to wear the maternity clothes they wore during pregnancy, because our postpartum body although it no longer has a huge nine-month belly, it is still more similar to the last months than we had before pregnancy.

With the passage of time, a good diet and maintaining an exercise routine, it is possible that we can return to have a body very similar to that of our stage of women without children. However, even after we "returned to normal", the truth is that being moms means having a quite different pace of life.

We become off-road ... and our clothes too

According to the Privalia Women's Report, one in three mothers says goodbye to tight clothes, heels and small bags. It makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? None of them really is practical when you have a baby or small children at home.

Although of course Most women try to maintain our style of dress once we have children (74% of Spanish mothers, according to the report), the activities we do now involve a greater effort and we learn to master skills that we didn't even know we had. In addition, two out of every three mothers look at details or aspects of the clothes that were not important before.

The first months (or even until the first year), using clothes made of fine materials or delicate fabrics is not a good idea, especially since milk stains and explosive diapers are always about to happen. The drooling that our babies have in that tender stage is also the order of the day. Mothers know it and 50% look for washable garments and 33% avoid garments with delicate fabrics, such as silk.

On the other hand, it is also the practicality that breastfeeding requires, in which we should look for comfortable clothes that facilitate breastfeeding our baby. Once that stage is over, it could be said that we are already free to have these typical accidents next to our babies, but although the activities change, even our routine inclines us to choose comfortable clothes.

During the rebel years of childhood (from the "terrible" 2 to 4 years approximately), children tend to be very active, so much of our day is running after them. For example, 47% of mothers avoid wearing any type of heels and 38% the jewelry that could cause an accident.

In the case of mothers of older children at these ages and who are not yet 10 years old, 46% avoid wearing tight clothes, 25% do not wear small bags and 22% avoid heels, although not as much as mothers of young children Sneakers and comfortable t-shirts become a staple when dressing.

We must always be prepared to become an SUV, and another aspect of this is our hair. According to the report, 1 in 5 mothers choose to pick it up more than before (For something it is said that bows are the official hairstyle of mothers), while 33% say that a haircut has been made easier and faster to fix, because if we lack something mothers are time.

Our clothes change, but the style remains

Something that I consider important to emphasize and that I see the results of the report coincide with what I think, is that the fact of changing our clothes does not mean that we no longer take care of ourselves or do not fix ourselves. A sample is that 40% of mothers said they consider it important to take care of their beauty and looking for ways to have time for them and be able to do it.

The truth is that although we opt for more comfortable or practical clothing and footwear, we remain faithful to our style and above all, we remain ourselves.

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Video: Dressing Up In Mothers Clothes As A Child: I Knew I Could Be The Woman That I Wanted To Be." (July 2024).