Youtube removes the videos of a father who showed his daughters in humiliating situations or being protagonists of heavy jokes

Greg Chism is a youtuber and father of two girls who recently had to face the rejection of many YouTube users who have considered that his videos, which he published on the Toy Freaks channel, were a form of child abuse towards their daughters.

In the videos you could see the girls terrified by their father, being force fed with baby food or chewing on colored pencils. Given the complaints of Internet users, Youtube has decided to delete some of these clips.

Jokes, humiliations and inappropriate content

With camera in hand, this video blogger father decided to start recording different situations in which his daughters, Annabelle and Victoria, four and six years old, were the protagonists.

Initially, it was about everyday videos where girls were seen playing or talk to each other. But soon, Greg realized that certain videos were getting more visits than others, so he decided to refocus his YouTube channel and focus only on those that could be viral and generate income.

Advertising And that's how he started posting videos where he humiliated his daughters with heavy jokes or made them protagonists of ridiculous fakes.

Soon, his Toy Freaks channel came to accumulate 8.5 million subscribers, positioning itself among the 100 most watched YouTube channels. However, for other users certain videos were not as fun and reported that the content was "disturbing" and bordering on "child abuse", so Youtube decided to remove them from the channel last week.

The BuzzFeed News news portal published a YouTube statement about what happened, in which you can read the following:

"We take child safety very seriously and have clear policies against child danger"

"Recently, we reinforced the application of these policies to address the content of minors when we receive signals that cause concern"

"It is not always clear that the person who uploads the content intends to break our rules, but we can still remove their videos to help protect viewers, users and children. We have canceled the Toy Freaks channel for the violation of our policies, conducting a more extensive review of the associated content "

In one of the videos the girls are seen taking a bath while they play and their father walking towards them with a frog, who ends up releasing into the water before the fear of the little ones. But neither the screams, nor the tears of his daughters seem to stop the Youtuber, who he has fun filming the scene.

Other channel videos they showed Greg and his daughters dressing up and pretending to be babies, while eating pots, spitting food, throwing it over the head or peeing on it.

As the popularity of this father and his daughters grew, other types of videos emerged with Animated cartoons that they accumulated more than 500,000 visits, such as one that showed Victoria's cartoon urinating on her father.

Not the first time

While Greg does not face any legal problem, is not the first youtuber father who has been denounced by Internet users for sharing certain videos of his children on this social network.

A few months ago we echoed the DaddyOfive channel, managed by parents who ended up losing custody of two of their children after being accused of child abuse for posting videos showing children distressed and humiliated with heavy and cruel jokes.

Image of one of the videos of the DaddyoFive channel

Speaking to the Variety website, Greg Chism said YouTube had contacted him to inform him of the concerns his videos were raising among the audience, however, admit not to find in them any inappropriate content:

"Victoria, Annabelle and I want to thank our followers as my daughters had the opportunity to develop their creativity and self-confidence in recent years thanks to the videos"

"His future is bright. Although I find it disturbing that someone finds something inappropriate in our videos, but I deeply appreciate YouTube's concerns for my family and I can't be happier to have lived this extraordinary experience."

Content inappropriate for children

The cancellation of the Toy Freaks channel occurs after YouTube's announcement of its new policy to more proactively restrict the content of videos deemed inappropriate for children, so that they cannot access them through the YouTube Kids app.

And is that numerous videos have been detected in the children's channel with inappropriate content, showing violent images, music videos or cartoons not suitable for children, which nevertheless seep into the channel for containing scenes of cartoons or toys.

Another content that also worries users is the videos in which children or adolescents behave and act like babies, considering that their content is harmful and harmful to other minors that, imitating them, they begin to act in the same way.

And while worried parents are denouncing this type of content, Malik Ducard, global director of family content and learning from YouTube, encourages us to continue doing so, although he considers that videos with inappropriate content for children constitute "a needle in a haystack" within the universe of children's videos.

  • Via BuzzFeed News

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