The beautiful and dazzling photo shoot of a pregnant mother of her rainbow baby

Rainbow babies are those who arrive after the mother suffered a loss, such as an abortion, that the baby is born without life or that has died shortly after birth. Mothers who have gone through this sad experience, receive with great joy, and also some fear, the news of a new pregnancy.

Some of them decide to celebrate it by doing something special, such as a photo shoot in which they thank for the new baby that is on the way and at the same time honor those who failed to survive. This is what a mother did, who decided to perform a beautiful and dazzling pregnant photo shoot, covered by the colors of the rainbow.

Samantha Gadd is the mother of two children, one of 7 years and one of 3, who almost suffered a miscarriage almost two years ago. A few months later, she knew she was pregnant again, which filled her with joy. When they learned that they were expecting a girl, they called her Victoria and began to prepare all things for her arrival, a long-awaited rainbow baby.

However, when Samantha was 22 weeks pregnant, the umbilical cord prolapse and Victoria was born lifeless in February last year. For the whole family it was a very hard time, since they were looking forward to the arrival of a girl in the family.

But soon, he would find the news that he was pregnant again. On this occasion, instead of feeling only happy, he had a series of very different emotions, because although he was certainly excited about his pregnancy, he was afraid to go through the same thing as with Victoria.

Getting pregnant again after a gestational loss it can be very difficult or complicated for many womenWell, like Samantha, it is almost inevitable to have mixed feelings, it is normal for fears to arise and even to feel guilty for not feeling completely happy about the new pregnancy.

Fortunately, the pregnancy was normal and the baby, whom he called Abigail, grew stronger and stronger every week. When he turned five months pregnant, He decided to hold a photo session in which he would honor the memory of little Victoria.

With the help of photographer Nicole DeHoff, who gave us permission to share the images, Samantha posed nude, covered with colored glitter, which was placed so that she pretended to be a rainbow.

"I searched and looked for ideas, but nothing occurred to me. Then, one day while I was at the craft store, I walked through the section where the glitter was and then it occurred to me. We were going to honor Victoria with the shine she left behind all of us"says the photographer, who is a family friend, for Love What Matters.

In an interview for People, Samantha comments that the photo session of her rainbow pregnancy was a surge of emotions: "It was an emotional battle after losing a daughter, and I was excited and hoped that the images could capture people's attention, and that they know that this can happen to anyone".

Finally, last December Abigail was born, for which they returned to carry out a photo session continuing with the rainbow theme, thinking of making Victoria's memory part of the photographs.

Little Abigail was received with much love from her brothers and parents, because his long-awaited rainbow baby had finally reached his arms.

Photos | Nicole DeHoff Photography (reproduced with permission)
Via | People
In Babies and more | Eleven beautiful photographs of rainbow babies, those born after a loss, The beautiful photo of "rainbow" babies that arrive after a loss

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